Chapter 2

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Puck doesn't know Rachel is leaving yet

Rachel's POV

This is it my last day in Lima. I'm excited to see Washington again it feels like it has been forever . I'll miss it here though.

Intercom: flight b673 will be taking off in five minutes

Well that's me I board the plane and think of Washington and aunt Tanya and all of the friends I'll make

Attendant: would you like anything dear

Rachel: no thank you

She quietly walked away and I fell asleep

Pilot: attention passengers we are landing please fasten your seat belts

That woke me up but I didn't care I get to see aunt Tanya

In Lima

Puck: mom, dad I'm home

Pm: hey Noah

Puck: where's Rae

Pd: she left earlier today

Puck: where to

Pm: aunt Tanya


Pm: son she wanted to

Puck: why

Pd: she couldn't handle the bullying

Puck: so you let her leave

Pm: we couldn't make her stay

Puck: yes you could

Pd: that would be wrong we can't just let her suffer

Puck: you know what whatever I don't care

in Washington

Rachel's POV

I start driving to the familiar white house when I see a familiar face I pull into the place I saw him go into and look at the sign and see I'm at a night club. I walk in and walk over to him, just then he turns around and he looks as if he saw a ghost.

Matt: Rachel? Rachel Puckerman?

Rachel: yes Matt its me

Matt: what are you doing here

Rachel: im moving here with my aunt

Matt: is Puck here

Rachel: no just me

Matt: why did you move

Rachel: don't really want to talk about it, I better get going

Matt: oh okay bye see you around

I drove around until I saw the big white house

I got my bags and walked up to the door just as I was about to ring the door bell she opened it

Tanya: Rachel its been ages since i last saw you

Rachel: (laughs) iv missed you to Tanya

Tanya: how was the trip

Rachel: good just really tired

Tanya: your bedroom is upstairs second door to the left

Rachel: thanks

The next day

i woke up to Tanya shaking me

Rachel: what

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