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5 years later

I cant believe it. here i am married to Finn Hudson with two beautiful children. Zane and Melody. They are almost four years old now. Then here i am about to deliver some news to Finn. He will be home soon i cant wait. I just know he will be happy.
Finn: im home
the twins ran straight towards him. he was an amazing father. i kissed his cheek and pulled him to the side. i was nervous and excited at the same time.
Finn: hello Rachel
Rachel: Finn i have something to tell you
Finn: what is it
Rachel: im pregnant
Finn:(smiles) really
I nod yes then he picks me up and spins me around. Then we walk to the twins room to tell them the news.They were very excited when they heard the news.
Finn: lets tell puck, quinn, santanna, kurt, and them tonight. We could have a glee reunion. even Mr. Schue.
Rachel: fine with me
Melody: uncle Puck and auntie San are coming
Rachel: yes
The Twins: yay!!

At the reunion

Melody: Uncle Puck
Puck: hows my favorite niece
Melody: im good but mommy has big news for you
Puck: she does
Melody: yeah
Finn: Melody why dont you go play with the other kids
Melody: okay daddy
Puck: whats the surprise
Finn: your about to find out
Puck: okay
Finn: follow me

In the living room
Melissa: so Rachel what is the surprise
Rachel: im gonna have another baby
Puck: yes! im gonna have another niece or nephew
Santana: congrats Rach
Rachel: thanks guys

I hope you guys enjoyed it. Originally it was on my youtube channel, it still is. If you wan to read it with more pictures of the cars, houses, and clothes the name is Pink Gleek. Also on youtube it was 20 parts, i just put more in a chapter here, so it really wasn't that short. Thanks for reading.
I'm making a Spotify playlist for all of my books so comment songs that you think go with this book.

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