Chapter 5

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As I walked up to the familiar house I got very nervous it had been a while since I was last here. I let out a deep breath and knocked on the door. It took a minute for the door to be opened, but when the door finally came open I saw my mom standing there with a big smile on her face.
Rm: Rachel I missed you so much
Rachel: I missed you to mom
Rm: come on lets get inside
Rachel: where's dad and Noah
Rm: in the living room
Rachel: I'll be back
I walked to the living room and saw Noah and my dad watching a basketball game Noah looked over and saw me. He looked suprised.
Noah: what are you doing here
My dad looked over, his dace lit up like a little kid on Christmas.
Rachel: I'm home
Noah: for how long
Rachel: forever
He got up and hugged me as if this were the best thing he ever heard
Rd: I missed you so much
Rachel: I missed you to dad
Rm: bow was Washington
Rachel: for the most part good
Noah: then why come back
Rachel: I guess I just missed my family
Noah's POV
I knew she was lying. If she missed us that much she would have came back as soon as I asked her.
Noah: (smiles) its nice to have you back little sis
Rachel:(smiles) its good to be back
Rm: do u have any pictures from Washington
Rachel: yes actually
Rd: may we have a look
Rachel: of course(pulls out photo album) here you go
After they finished going through the book
Rm: you were a cheerleader
Rachel: yeah um head cheerleader actually
Rm: and prom queen
Rachel: yeah
Rd: who is this boy boy here with you
Rachel:(upset) Luke
Puck: (noticed)
Rm: who are these girls
Rachel: Melissa and Miley
Rm: were they real close with you
Rachel: yes actually we were
Rm: tell me more about Luke did you have a crush on him
Rachel: he was my boyfriend
Rm: was? What happen
Rachel: you know I'm really tired I should get some rest.
Puck: (follows her) what happen with Luke
Rachel: we broke up
Puck: I know but why
Rachel: no reason
Puck: did he hurt you
Rachel: no
Puck: then what happen
Rachel: he cheated on me
Puck: rach in so sorry (hugs her)
Rachel: its OK I'm just going to go to bed goodnight
Puck: night little sis

Rachel's POV
I woke up nervous because its my first day back at McKinley. I walked downstairs wearing
Puck: hey little sis
Rachel: hey Noah
Puck: (smiles)
Rachel: what
Puck: its nice having you back
Rachel: (smiles) lets go
Puck:(laughs) im driving
Rachel: no way your driving my car
puck: please just once (puppy eyes)
Rachel:(thinking) fine but after school
Puck: i guess that works
Rachel: What happen to your car anyway
Puck: nothing its just your car is better
Rachel: (laughs) lets go
When we pull up at the school everyone looks our way
Puck: are you gonna rejoin glee club
Rachel:(looks at him) i dont know i thought about it
Puck: i thought you liked it
Rachel: I did and still do but i dont want to be laughed at again
Puck: Rachel just do what makes you happy
Rachel: you know what ill join
Puck: (smiles) good
the day goes by with nothing important
at glee
Puck: Mr. Schue somebody would like to join
Mr. Schue: well where are they
Rachel: right here
Santana: Rachel! I missed you so much
Rachel: I missed you to Santana
Santana: Why did you come back
Rachel: because of Luke
Santana: oh yeah, he is an idiot he lost the best thing ever happen to him
Rachel: thanks San
Finn: wait what did Luke do
Rachel: he cheated on me
Finn:(mad but not showing it)oh
Mr. Schue: well Rachel would you like to sing for us
Rachel: id love to (sing gift of a friend)
Glee club:(claps)
Mr. Schue: that was great Rachel
Rachel: thanks
after glee
Finn: hey Rachel
Rachel: yeah Finn
Finn: I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me tonight
Rachel: id love to
Finn: ill pick you up at Seven
Rachel: see you then
Finn: bye

Rachel's POV
I was getting ready for my date with Finn when i heard a knock on my door.
Rachel: its open
Puck: i heard you got a date with Finn tonight
Rachel: yeah i do
Puck: if he hurts you (interrupted)
Rachel: Puck he wont hurt me
Puck: but if he does
Rachel:(smiles) ill tell you
Puck: good
Rachel: now i have to go get ready
Puck: okay hurry up
it took me forever just to find something to wear then i finally found the perfect dress for the date. I was wearing a long sleeve blue dress with lace
I walked out of the room when mom's, dad's, and Noah's eyes fell on me.
rm: sweetie you look gorgeous
Rachel: thanks mom
Then there was a knock on the door while i headed to the door Noah quickly told me to be careful and i told him i would then i left.
At the date
Finn: you look great
Rachel: thanks Finn
Finn: Rachel i really like you
Rachel: i like you to Finn
Finn:well then Rachel would you be ( interrupted)
???: hello Rachel
Rachel: what you doing here
???: i came to get you back
Rachel: go away Luke
Luke: fine but just know i do love you
Finn: that's the guy who cheated on you
Rachel: yeah
Finn: he's an idiot
Rachel: what makes you say that
Finn: he hurt you
I never knew Finn could be this sweet I could feel how nervous i am getting around him. I think i may love him
Rachel: excuse me ill be back
Finn: wait where are you going
Rachel: The lady's room
Finn: oh
With Rachel
I'm so nervous i have never felt like this before. I fixed my makeup and walked out. As i walked out the door someone grabbed me, i tried to scream but my mouth was covered. I didn't know what was going on around me. I remember struggling and being tossed around. After a minute i was fine again, i saw my attacker was Luke. After that i remember him tugging at my cloths. I fought against it, i knew i wasn't strong enough to hold him off long but i hoped that maybe someone would show up and save me.
Mean while with Finn
I started to get worried Rachel had been gone for 15 minutes, for a minute i thought she had left but Rachel is not that kind of a girl plus i had an awful feeling.
I went out to look for her but i couldn't find her. It was awful
not being able to find her.Then i passed an ally way and saw a man and a woman. The woman had looked hurt i ran close enough to see that the woman was Rachel and the man was Luke.
I ran over to save her. I don't know what came over me but i pushed him up against the wall and punched him few times then i picked him up and threw him to the ground, he grunted in pain.
I looked over to Rachel was asleep now and covered in bruises. I picked her up and took her home.
when I got to Rachel's house Puck answered the door. He looked pretty happy till his eyes fell on Rachel, then he looked as if he could kill.
Puck: what happen to her
Finn: she was attacked
Puck: who did it
Finn: Luke
Puck: i thought he loved her
Finn: so did I
Puck: how is she
Finn: I dont know she hasn't woken up yet
Puck: take her up to her room
Finn: when she wakes up have her call me
Puck: you can stay if you'd like
Finn: im in
Puck: kay
Rachel's POV
I dont remember much of last night all i know is im in a lot of pain. I looked to my side and saw Noah and Finn sleeping. Finn woke up then and gave his million dollar smile.
Finn: good morning
Rachel: good morning
Finn: how are you
Rachel: in pain
Finn: what exactly happen
Rachel: i dont know all i remember is leaving the bathroom and being grabbed. I also remember pain.
Finn:(hates the idea of her being hurt) do you remember who did it
Rachel: no do you know who it was
Finn: Luke, it was Luke
Rachel: (surprised) i never thought he could be so cruel.
Finn: any way are you hungry
Rachel: yes very
Finn: ill be back with breakfast
Rachel: OK
I sat in bed for a while letting my mind wonder then Noah woke up
Puck:(smiles) hey little sis
Rachel: hey Noah
Puck: are you ok
Rachel: just a little sore
Puck: you didnt deserve this any of it
Puck: what
Rachel: nothing its just your the best brother i could possibly have
Puck: (smiles) thanks little sis

Two weeks later
Santana: hey Rach
Rachel: hi San
Santana: are you okay
Rachel: yeah just a little sore
Santana: oh i understand
Rachel: What about you
Santana: im fine ( gets text) come on
Rachel: where are we going
Santana: its a surprise
Rachel: i hate surprises
Santana: but you will love this one
we walked into the choir room and i saw two of the closest friends i have ever had
Miley: Rachel! We missed you so much
Rachel: I missed you to
Melissa: how are you we heard about Luke
Rachel: im fine
Miley: thats a relief, so have you joined the cheerios
Rachel: no but i was thinking about it
Santana: you should
Miley: yeah and we'll join with you
Rachel: wait you go here now
Miley: yep and so does Melissa
Rachel: (smiles) this is amazing
Santana: so are we gonna go try out or not
Melissa: lets go
In Sue's office
Santana: coach these girls would like to try out
Sue: lets see what you got
they do multiple flips and cartwheels, ect.
Sue: wow that was great girls
Miley: thanks
Sue: yeah your welcome Puckerman you are the new head cheerleader, blondie and red head you two are co captains
Melissa: isnt this great
Rachel: its perfect
Miley: and we are gonna be back on top
Rachel: just like in Washington

Rachel's POV
Melissa, Miley, Santana, and brittany, and i entered the school wearing the cheerio uniform
everyone was staring at us.
Melissa: Wow
Miley: these kids are nothing like kids in Washington
Rachel: there the exact opposite
Santana: come on we are gonna be late for Cheerios practice
Sue: your late
Melissa: sorry coach
Sue: just lead the routine

in the hallway
Finn: i saw you guys today, you were great
Rachel: thanks
Finn: listen Rach i was wondering if...
Melissa: hey Rach great idea with the routine
Rachel: tanks Mel
Melissa: (smiles and leaves)
Rachel: anyway what were you saying Finn
Finn: I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend
Rachel: (smiles) id love to
Finn: really?
Rachel: yes really
in glee
Mr Schue: This weeks assignment is duets
Kurt: can we pick our partner
Mr. Schue: no the hat will choose
glee club: awww
Mr. Schue: who wants to go first
Finn: ill go (picks Rachel)
Mr. Schue: Quinn
Quinn: (picks Miley)
Mr. Schue: Santana
Santana: (picks Brittany)
Mr Schue: Kurt
Kurt: ( picks Blaine)
Mr. Schue: that leaves Puck and Melissa
after glee
Finn: hey Rach where do you wanna meet up to practice our duet
Rachel: my house is fine
Finn: ill be there at 8
Rachel: (smiles) see you then (kisses his cheek)

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