Chapter 6

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3 months later
Rachel's POV
I can't believe graduation is next week. It feels like just yesterday i was the freak in glee club. Now here i am friends with the most popular girls in school, dating Finn Hudson, accepted into NYADA, and won a show choir championship. I walked into glee and saw every one there. I walked over and sat next to Finn and waited for Mr. Schue to come in.
Mr. Schue: (has nationals trophy) congratulations guys we finally did it.
Kurt: Mr. Schue me and Rachel have some news
Mr. Schue: go ahead
We walked up to the front of the room and looked at each other then smiled.
Kurt: well as you know me and Rachel applied to NYADA
Rachel: and we just got our letters yesterday
Kurt: and well...
Both: WE GOT IN!
Finn walked up and hugged me he looked very happy about this, then he whispered something in my ear.
Finn: im going to New York to
I smiled at this nothing could make me upset now everything is perfect
Mr. Schue: settle down now we still have an assignment
Mercedes: we never had one before not at this time of the year
Mr. Schue: we also never had seniors before, which is why the seniors will sing a goodbye song to the juniors and the juniors sinig a goodbye song to the seniors. So start deciding on what to sing
after that we all walked out and school was over.
Finn: I cant believe it all almost over
Rachel: i know it feels like just yesterday i walked these halls for the first time
Finn: i never thought id say this but im gonna miss this place
Rachel: (smiles) lets go
on Friday
Mr. Schue: okay juniors first
juniors: okay (sing )
Seniors+ Mr. Mr Schue: (claps)
Mr. Schue: that was amazing okay seniors your up
seniors: (sing )
juniors+Mr. Schue: (claps)
Mr. Schue: that was an amazing guys
after school
Finn's POV
Rachel is amazing. I cant believe i have her. I cant wait till graduation i have a big surprise for her. Im nervous about it though.

At graduation
(they have all received their diplomas and the glee club sings glory days )
I can't wait boy will Rachel be surprised. I can't believe i got the girl.
Rachel's POV
I can't believe that over all the other girls here Finn choose me. I couldn't be more in love.
At the graduation party
Finn: hey Rachel
Rachel: hey Finn ( kisses him)
Finn: ill be back
Rachel: where you going
Finn: its a surprise
He walked to the middle of the room.
Finn: Everyone can I get your attention please.
Everyone gave him their full attention
Finn:This is for Rachel
I was now freaking out he had an announcement for me
Finn: Rachel you mean the world to me. I can't imagine living without you.
I was now in tears
Finn: you mean everything to mean everything to me, i love you so much you make me smile even when im sad... you are my soulmate and my best friend. It would be an honor if you would be my wife.
Rachel:(crying) yes!! yes!! a million times yes!!
everyone clapped and came over to congratulate us on our engagement.
Puck: you better not hurt my little sis
Finn: i wont, i love her to much
Santana: guys living room now
they all gather in the living room
Santana: i made a slideshow of us all
Melissa: well lets see it
Miley: yeah lets see it
Santana: here it is (at the top)
Rachel: San that was great
Santana: thanks Rach

~^~time skip~^~

wedding roles
Santana: maid of honor
Britt: brides maid
Melissa: brides maid
Miley: brides maid
Quinn: brides maid
Finn: groom
Puck: best man
Artie: grooms man
Mike: grooms man
Kurt: grooms man
Blaine: grooms man
random kids are the flower girl and ring bearer(idk if i spelled that right)

Quinn: Rachel calm down everything will be fine
Rachel:(pacing back and forth) what if he says no
Santana: he wont
Rachel:(stops) how do you know
Melissa: Because he loves you
Rachel: your right
In the other room

Puck: come on Finn relax
Finn: i cant
Artie: why not
Finn: what if she says no what if she doesnt want to marry me
Puck: Finn she loves you okay
Artie: She already said yes
Finn: your right
Puck: its time
at the same time in the girls room
Santana: its time

Finn is waiting at the alter for Rachel
Quinn and Kurt come out first then Britt and Artie then Melissa and Mike then Miley and Blaine and finally Santana and Puck.

Then Rachel walked down the aisle to here comes the bride

When she made to the alter they said their i do's and their vows.

At the reception

Rachel and Finn dance to A Thousand Years

During the dinner
Puck: I remember the day Rachel and Finn got together. He liked from the start. He never stopped talking about her while she was gone. I knew that they were meant to be.

Santana: I remember in middle school Rachel absolutely loved Finn Hudson. Everything she did revolved around him. Little did the rest of us know he felt the same way. Finn keep my Rach safe or I will go all Lima Heights on you.

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