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It's awkward.

Every week, it's awkward.

Harry and Zayn have been divorced officially for nearly three years now. Their son, Oliver, is six, and has a hard time every time he switches from house to house.

"Ready to go, Oli?" Harry asks gently, brushing his boy's curly hair back. The sweet boy inherited Harry's curls, but the strands are black, like Zayn's. He also received Zayn's thick eyelashes though he got Harry's green eyes, and his dimples. Every time Zayn or Harry look at him, they see the other, which causes a bit of heartbreak on both parts.

Zayn and Harry's divorce wasn't messy. It wasn't caused by cheating or infidelity. Whenever asked, Zayn would simply say, "The sparks just weren't there anymore."

"I guess," Oliver pouts. He kicks his legs, pouring down at his boots.

"What's the matter?"

Oli huffs. "Christmas is soon. I don't like splitting it up between you and Daddy."

Harry frowns. "I know it's hard for you, sweetheart..." he trails off. It's hard for him, too. "Well, I'm sure your Daddy really wants to see you. Let's get inside, yeah?"

Oliver sighs, but gets out of the car and follows Harry up Zayn's snowy walkway. It's still early December, but it's getting cold, and the Christmas cheer is evident. Zayn has his lights up already.

Oliver rings the doorbell. He can't help but get a little excited to see his Daddy -- he always gets excited to see either one whenever he's switching houses.

"Daddy!" he cheers when Zayn opens the door.

"Oliver!" Zayn cheers back with equal enthusiasm. Oliver bounds forward and nuzzles his face against Zayn's chest.

"Missed you," Oliver whispers, like he does every week. He does the same thing to Harry whenever Zayn brings him to Harry's.

"I missed you too, little guy," Zayn chuckles fondly. Only then does he straighten up and look at Harry. Harry hates that butterflies ripple in his stomach. "Hi, H."

"Hi, Zayn," Harry whispers back. Zayn gives him a small smile, and Harry has to shut his eyes for a second, hating that he still feels this way. "Uh, he's got everything he needs, I think. I'll pick him up on Sunday and bring him back Friday, and then --"

"Harry," Zayn says calmly, gently, putting a hand on Harry's shoulder. His hand is so warm, and Harry calms instantly, though he hates himself for doing so. "We've done this a million times, yeah? Every week's the same. You won't forget to drop him off, and I won't forget to pick him up."

Harry exhales. "I know, I'm sorry. I guess the holiday season's got me all riled up." He takes another deep breath, and then kneels in front of his son. "Okay, baby. I'm gonna leave now. I love you soooo much. Have a great week with your daddy, okay?" Oliver nods glumly, staring down at his boots. "Come on, Oli, I know you can give me a bigger smile than that." Harry tickles his son's sides, and Oliver squirms away, giggling. "That's my boy!"

Oliver links his thin arms around Harry's neck. "I love you, Papa."

"I love you, too, sweet boy. Give me a kiss." Oliver kisses his father quickly, and then shrinks back into the house, away from the cold.

"Okay, jolly Oli. What do you want to do today? Have you done your homework already?" Zayn questions, helping his son out of his coat.

"Uh-huh!" Instead of making his way into the house, Oliver just hugs Zayn around the waist again.

"What's this?" Zayn questions, stroking his hair.

"Just missed you, Daddy." Oliver's voice is soft, words muffled.

"Oh, baby. I miss you so, so much when you're not here," Zayn says honestly. "I don't like being here without you."

"I don't like it either," Oliver pouts. "But I also miss Papa when I'm here," he adds quickly.

"I know you do," Zayn says with a frown. It's a strange thing to think, but he misses Harry here, too. It still feels strange to celebrate holidays without him, though he's trying to convince himself he's moved on. "Want to know a secret?"

Oliver nods, his cheek still pressed against Zayn's stomach.

"I miss your papa, too," Zayn whispers, and Oliver's smile rips across his face so quickly it's almost comical. And just then, silently, Oliver begins piecing together his plan to get his parents back together.

Miracle | Zarry Christmas AU [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now