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Zayn's phone ringing wakes him up, and when he rolls over, he's started to find Oliver's tiny body curled up beside his in bed. He's curled up into a little ball, broken arm curled to his chest. Zayn kisses the boy's tiny little button nose, and he wrinkles it. He blinks open sleepy, green eyes, and scowls at his father.

"Daddy, your phone is loud," Oliver whines.

"I know, angel, I'm sorry." Zayn reaches over him to the bedside table for his phone, surprised to see that it's Harry.

"Hello?" Zayn's voice is sleepy, and he runs a hand through Oli's hair and he nuzzles closer to his father, humming.

"Zee? It's me. Harry," Harry says, as if Zayn didn't have caller ID.

"I know. Hi, H," Zayn chuckles.

Oliver perks up. "It's Papa? Can I say hi?"

"Oliver wants to say hi," Zayn adds.

"Okay. Go ahead and put him on," Harry says.

Zayn hands the phone over to Oliver, who can barely hold it in his tiny hands. "Papa! Hello! It's Oli!"

Zayn and Harry both laugh. "I know it's you, sweet boy. How are you doing?"

"I'm good! I forgot my arm is broken," Oli hums. "Can we go out to breakfast!?"

"Ask your daddy," Harry responds, and Oliver turns away from the phone. "Can we go out to breakfast with Papa, Daddy?"

"Of course," Zayn says, a bit too quickly. Breakfast is all three of their favorite meal of the day.

"Daddy said yes!" Oli cheers into the phone.

"Okay. Tell your daddy I'll meet you at Midnight Diner in half an hour, okay?"

"Okay! See you soon, Papa!"

"Bye, sweetheart." 

Oliver hangs up the phone and snuggles closer to his daddy, resting his chin on Zayn's chest.

"How'd you end up in here, O? I put you to bed in your room," Zayn says gently, still running his fingers through Oliver's hair.

"Wanted to cuddle," Oliver shrugs, inching closer still to Zayn. "Don't tell Papa, but you cuddle better."

Zayn laughs. "Don't worry, bug. I'll keep your secret." He kisses the top of Oli's head, right in the center of his tousled curls. "We'd better get going if we want to meet your papa on time, huh?"

Oliver pouts. He wants to cuddle with his daddy for longer, but lets Zayn get out of the bed. He follows his daddy to the bathroom and they brush their teeth in unison, Oliver giggling every time Zayn makes a face at him. Oliver scampers off to his room to get dressed, pulling on a horrible ugly sweater Zayn got him from the Christmas before. He meets Zayn downstairs with mismatched socks.

"Daddy, can I wear one of your beanies?" 

Zayn can never say no to his son, and plops a grey hoodie over Oli's curls. Oliver beams with delight and kisses the end of Zayn's nose. 

"Ready, bug?"

Oliver nods, stuffing his feet into his boots. "Daddy! It snowed more!" he squeals as Zayn opens the door and leads the way to the car.

"It sure did. Careful, baby, don't fall, okay?"

Oliver nods, holding his arms out like airplane wings to keep his balance. He clambers into the backseat of the car, and they hum along to the radio. Midnight Diner isn't too far from their house, and they make it there in record time. Oliver wraps both of his arms around one of Zayn's as they make their way into the diner, and Oliver sits in Zayn's lap as they wait for Harry.

"Daddy, color with me?" Oliver asks, so Zayn snags a few crayons and helps Oliver decorate a picture of a snowman until he hears his son cheer, "Papa!"

"Hi, Oli!" Oliver scrambles off of Zayn's lap so he can hug his papa, and then immediately climbs back into Zayn's lap. "Hi, Zee," Harry says, more shyly.

"Hi, Harry. How're you?" Zayn's eyes roam over Harry appreciatively; he's all bundled into his coat, scarf around his neck. The tip of his nose is red from the cold.

"I'm good," Harry smiles. He means it, too; his dimples go deep into his cheeks. Suddenly, he points at Oliver. "Hey, is that beanie you're wearing mine?"

"What? No," Zayn says too quickly, which makes Harry laugh. He sits at the booth with them, and they chatter amicably until their food arrives. It's surprisingly comfortable for Harry to be with Zayn; he always expects it to be uncomfortable.

"Y'know what I think?" Oliver says randomly. He has syrup all over his face from his Mickey Mouse pancakes.

"What's that?" Zayn asks, dotting a bit of whipped cream onto the end of his nose. Oliver scowls at him, tries to lick it off and fails.

"I think you and Papa should go on a date. Like before I was borned. With lots of toys and candy and stuff." Oliver is focused on his pancakes when he says this, and doesn't even look up at his parents. "You should! I can go to Uncle Li and Uncle Ni-Ni's."

Zayn looks over at Harry, unsure of what to say. "I mean...I don't have anything going on tonight," he shrugs.

Harry's cheeks go pink. " neither."

"So...are we going on a date tonight?" Zayn questions.

Harry nods, cheeks even pinker, and Oliver giggles delightedly.

- - -

"Rowan!" Oliver cheers. Zayn shakes his head in response -- his kid is so excited to see his cousin, as if he hadn't literally seen him twenty-four hours before. Niall is carrying Stella on his hip when he answers the door.

"I wasn't expecting you both," he says with a small smirk. Liam comes up behind him, leaning against the doorway, a similar smirk on his face.

"So we're sitting for both of you? Does that mean you're going out somewhere together?" he asks.

Harry wrinkles his nose. "It means it's none of your business."

Liam snorts, and Niall laughs into his hand. "See you later then," Niall laughs.

"Bye, guys. Thanks for watching him. Bye, Oli!" Zayn calls into the house.

"Bye, Papa, Daddy!" Oliver calls back, not bothering to come out to hug his parents goodbye. Zayn and Harry make their way down the snowy walkway, and Liam shuts the door behind them.

"They're such idiots," Niall sighs, wrapping his arms around Liam's waist. Liam kisses the top of his head and then the top of Stella's. "I hope they work it out this time, Li. I really do. They always seemed good together to me."

Liam nods. "Yeah, they did. I think they can work it out this time." Liam kisses Niall quickly and then takes Stella from his arms. "You want some goldfish, doll?"

Stella nods, clapping her hands. "Fishies!"

"I love you, Liam," Niall tells him softly. His heart feels like it's slowly mending as his friends are getting back together. Maybe their divorce had broken his heart, too.

"Aw, Niall." Liam turns back around so he can kiss his forehead. "I love you more."

Niall makes his way to the living room where Oliver and Rowan are playing with legos. 

"Uncle Ni," Oliver calls.

"Yeah, Oli?"

"D'you think my daddy and papa will get married again?"

Niall is surprised by the question. "I hope so," he says, and that's a good enough answer for Oliver.

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