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"Daddy, someone's at the door," Oliver calls. He's sitting on the floor in his bedroom, doing a puzzle, as Zayn is getting dressed in his room.

"Can you see who it is, Oli? I think it might be a surprise for you," Zayn calls back, a smile in his voice. A small smile makes its way onto Oliver's face, and he scrambles to his feet and runs down the stairs to the door. He makes sure to peek through the window, just like his daddy taught him.

"Uncle Li, Uncle Ni!" Oliver screeches delightedly, and yanks the door open after struggling for a bit to reach the lock. "Rowan! Stella! Hi!"

"Hi, Oli!" Rowan, Oliver's seven-year-old cousin yells back with delight. He's on Liam's shoulders.

"Oli!" Stella, barely three, claps. She's perched on Niall's hip, but wiggles to be put down just as she makes it through the doorway. Once down, she stumbles over to Oliver and wraps her arms around his leg, making the boy giggle.

"I didn't know you were coming!" Oliver giggles.

"It was a surprise for ya," Liam grins, leaning down to kiss his forehead. Oliver goes up on tiptoes to hug his uncle around the waist, and then hops over to hug Niall. "Where's your daddy, huh?"

"Upstairs," Oli answers. "Want me to get him?"

"Yes, please," Niall answers, pulling Stella's shoes off her feet.

"Okay!" Oliver skips up the steps and bounds his way into Zayn's room. "You're sneaky, Daddy. I didn't even know you called Uncle Liam." Oliver bends to pick up one of his toys on the floor, a stuffed unicorn he named Pickles. "Does Papa know?"

"Huh? Why would your papa know?" Zayn questions, confused.

"Because Papa and Uncle Li are bestest friends, Daddy. Duh." He hugs Pickles tighter to his chest.

"'re right. I'm sure he told your papa," Zayn answers. He finishes his hair and turns to face his son. "Did Uncle Li send you up here to get me?"

Oliver nods and hands Pickles to his father. Zayn takes it with a chuckle and follows Oliver down the stairs.

"Uncle Ni-Ni, Pickles says hi," Oliver says.

"Hello, Pickles," Niall greets the unicorn, shaking his front hoof, which makes Oliver laugh. "I haven't seen you in quite a while!"

"He's been on vacation," Oliver states, which makes Niall laugh.

"Hey, Zee," he greets, standing up to give Zayn a hug. Liam hugs him, too, and they stand there talking for a bit before they go into the kitchen for coffee.

"What's wrong?" Rowan asks Oliver. He isn't playing with him and Stella, which is very unlike him. He just sits in the corner, hugging Pickles.

"Miss Papa," Oliver mumbles.

"You'll see him soon," Rowan says simply.

"I know. I miss him being with daddy."

Stella just stares at Oliver curiously. "Make 'me have a wedding."


"Yeah! Let's get them back together!" Rowan says excitedly.

"I...I want to, but..." Oliver just shrugs.

"We can have a super secret plan. Like in parent trap!"

"I don't have a twin," Oli frowns.

"Oh, yeah." Rowan pauses, thinking.

"Just pretend you have an owie and make them come running! Like trick or treat," Stella says.

"Yeah! A big trick. maybe you break your arm! Then your papa will have to come!" Rowan yells.

Oliver frowns, rubbing his shoulder. "Don't wanna break my arm..."

"It hurts lots," Rowan says honestly. "But not forever."

"Well..." Oliver bites his lip. "Do you really think it could get my daddies back together?"

Stella and Rowan nod fervently. They try to think of the best way to break his arm, and they decide the best way would be for him to fall off of his bunk bed. The three of them climb up to the top bunk, Oli having to help Stella to the top, and Oliver leans over the side. Rowan clings to him by the back of his shirt.

"On three?" Rowan suggests.

"Okay," Oliver says nervously.


"Rowan, what on earth are you doing!?" Liam's voice yells suddenly. The bite in his voice startles Rowan, and he lets go of Oliver's shirt. With a loud scream, Oli falls from his top bunk, and tries to catch himself, landing right on his left arm.

The pain surprises him. For a second, he can't even cry, it hurts so much. His lip trembles, but he doesn't start to cry until he sees the look on his uncle's face.

"Oh, sweet pea, I am so sorry," Liam gasps, bending to pick him up.

"I hear Oli screaming, what's wrong?" Zayn calls, sounding frightened. When he sees Oliver crying, broken arm held to his chest, he goes pale. "What happened?!"

"When I came up here, he was leaning over the side of the bunk, Rowan holding onto his shirt." Liam sounds angry.

"Why was he --"

"Daaaaddy," Oliver sobs, partially because of the pain, but also because he doesn't want his cousin to get in trouble. "H-Hurts!"

"Oh, baby, I'm so sorry," Zayn coos, taking Oli from Liam's hold. He whines when his arm is jostled. "We've gotta get you to the hospital, O. I think you might've broken it..."

"I want Papa!" Oliver wails, starting to cry again.

"Okay, okay, baby. I'll call your papa," Zayn coos, shifting Oli to one arm so he can get his phone out of his pocket. "He's gonna kill me."

"No, he's gonna kill me. Rowan dropped him," Liam frowns.

"H wouldn't blame you for anything, and you know it," Zayn rolls his eyes.

"Zayn?" Harry's voice says on the other end of the phone. Oliver whimpers at the sound.

"Hey, H. Oliver's broken his arm, I think. He fell off his bed. We're heading to the hospital right now."

"I told you he shouldn't have a bunk bed, Zayn. He's too little."

"It wasn't his fault, he was playing with Ro."

"Okay. Hang on," Harry says, and then speaks to someone else. "I'm so sorry, I'm gonna have to go, Lou. Reschedule the date, yeah?"

"You're on a date?" Zayn says in an odd tone of voice.

"I'm allowed to date, Zayn," Harry says back, but his voice sounds odd, too. "I'll meet you at the hospital, okay?"

"Okay." Zayn hangs up. "Papa's gonna meet us there, okay?"

Oliver nods, hiding his smile in Zayn's shirt. Even though his arm is killing him, his papa is no longer on his date, which makes him one step closer to getting back together with his daddy.

Miracle | Zarry Christmas AU [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now