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"Merry Christmas, Uncle Ni!" Oliver cheers as Niall opens the front door. Stella and Rowan can be heard cheering delightedly over their presents.

"Merry Christmas," Niall laughs back, ruffling Oliver's hair. Oliver brushes past him and into the house, holding Rowan and Stella's presents in his little hand.

"Hi, Ni," Zayn smiles, making his way into the house and kicking his shoes off, hand-in-hand with Harry. "Merry Christmas!" He hugs Niall, and then follows Oliver into the house find Liam.

"So," Niall says, smiling a bit mischievously.

"Don't," Harry huffs.

"I have to ask, H. You two look so happy together..."

Harry rolls his eyes. "I don't. We haven't really talked about it in detail, I guess. We're just...playing it by ear." He manages a shy laugh. "I feel like if I think about it too much, I'll jinx it."

"Okay, okay, I'll quit prying," Niall frowns.

"But whatever it is," Harry says after a small pause, "It's good."

Niall gives him a small smile. They go into the living room hand-in-hand, smiling at what they see. Oliver and Rowan are attempting to teach Stella how to play Rowan's new video game system. The fireplace is warm and soft, and Liam and Zayn are chatting quietly on the couch. 

"Daddy, can we have hot chocolate?" Rowan asks. Liam shrugs, seeing no problem with it, and everyone makes their way into the kitchen, smiling. Zayn puts way too much whipped cream on Harry's, and Harry scowls. His scowl magically disappears when Zayn kisses the end of his nose. 

"Can I have peppermint in mine? Please?" Oliver questions, and Zayn sprinkles candy cane bits on top of Oli's hot chocolate. 

"Papa! You're under the mistletoe!" Rowan squeals, pointing. Sure enough, Niall is standing under the mistletoe, and Liam cups his face in his hands and peppers kisses all over his face. The sound of Niall's laughter is muffled from the shower of affection. Giggling, Oliver hops up from his spot and tugs on Harry's arm, shoving him until he's under the mistletoe.

"Now you're under the mistletoe," he giggles, and turns and stares expectantly at Zayn. Zayn's small smile goes mischievous.

"Merry Christmas, sweetheart," Zayn whispers, hands cupping Harry's cheeks. Harry's eyes are shut, lashes brushing his upper cheeks, and he licks his lips nervously.

"Merry Christmas," Harry hums back. He opens his eyes, wanting to be kissed, but to his surprise, Zayn pulls back. Surprising him even further, Zayn goes down on one knee. Harry's eyes go so wide it's almost comical, and when he looks around the kitchen, everyone is giggling, entirely unsurprised.

"I know," Zayn says before Harry can even say anything. "I know what you're thinking, but just hear me out. I'm not saying marry me now. I'm not saying marry me tomorrow. I'm just saying...someday. Marry me someday. Harry, these last three years without you have been hell for me. Absolute hell. I've been loving you quietly for what feels like forever, and to know that you've been feeling the same is like having fireworks go off in my chest. I've gone so long feeling like I'll never feel as happy as I did with you...and now having you back in my arms, all I could ask for is celebrating our love again. Someday." Zayn swallows hard. He's so nervous he feels like he could die. "So...Harry, love of my life..." He looks up into Harry's green eyes, sees his son in them. His heart is overflowing. "My treasure, my heart outside my body...will you marry me?"

The pause is tense. It feels like hours. Harry's answer is tumbling around and around in his head, and he feels like he's going to pass out. He knows this is crazy, that he should say no...that it's too soon.

But he also knows he loves Zayn.

He loves Zayn with every bone in his body -- no, every molecule -- and to imagine living without him again, having to go back to the mundane life he was living for the past three years...he can't. He can't do that to himself. So despite how fucking insane this is, he lets a very genuine smile ripple across his face, and he whispers out, "Oh, Zayn, my love is in your hands. Of course I'll marry you, idiot."

The house erupts with cheers. Everything is bright and safe, and Zayn stands and hugs Harry, whirling around and around and around. His stubble is rough against Harry's cheek, but Harry loves it, Harry loves him. He loves him to the point of aching, and tears run down his cheeks in seemingly endless streams. As soon as he lets go of Zayn, Liam is hugging him. Oliver is bouncing around the kitchen, yelling, "My daddies are getting married! My daddies are getting married!"

When Harry finds his way back to Zayn, Zayn fits the ring on his finger and kisses him so sweetly. Harry is relatively sure that everything he's ever done in his life pales in comparison to how he feels right now.

- - -


"Fuck, Niall, I'm nervous!" Zayn gasps. He keeps buttoning and unbuttoning his tuxedo jacket out of nothing but anxiety.

"Zayn," Niall laughs, stopping his best friend's busy hands. "Calm down. You've done this before."

"I was scared then, too."

Niall shakes his head. "You don't have to do a thing, man. Just have him walk towards you. Just look at him like he is the river and you are the ocean and all he's doing is coming back home to you."

Zayn closes his eyes. "He's just coming back home to me."

- - -

"Don't let me fall," Harry whispers to his father, who's going to walk him down the aisle. 

"I won't," Desmond laughs, tightening his hold on Harry's hand. 

Harry gets nervous the second the music starts. His chest is heaving, and he has a death grip on Desmond's hand. But then he looks up, and his eyes meet Zayn's, and emotion rises like a tidal wave in his chest. He feels like sprinting down the aisle, right into Zayn's arms. Zayn is beaming at him, and Harry can see tears on his cheeks.

The ceremony is beautiful. Their colors are white and gold, and everyone looks regal. Stella is the flower girl and Oliver is the ring bearer. Zayn and Liam are obviously the best men, and Liam has to hold their newest addition, one-year-old Emma, on his hip. Niall ends up having to hold Zayn and Harry's newest daughter, Lily, who is six months younger than Emma.

When the priest says, "You may kiss the groom," Zayn's heart leaps with joy. He kisses Harry's forehead and nose before his lips.

"You and me forever," Zayn whispers, pecking his lips a second time. Only Harry can hear him over the cheer of their families.

"Over everything," Harry confirms, words a whisper against Zayn's lips, and they lived happily ever after.


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