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"Daddy, it hurts," Oliver sniffles for what must be the millionth time. Zayn rubs his temple with his free hand, the other focused on driving to the hospital.

"I know it does, kiddo. We're almost there, okay?" Zayn tries to keep the frustration out of his voice. Despite how many times he asked, Oliver wouldn't answer why he was hanging off the side of the bunk bed in the first place.

Not much later, they arrive at the hospital. Harry's car pulls up just as theirs does, and he runs to them, grabs Oliver up in his arms, being careful of his arm.

"Sweetheart, what on earth were you and Rowan doing?" Harry questions, cupping Oli's face in his hands.

"He won't answer that," Zayn states. "I've asked him at least ten times."

"Snitches get stitches," Oliver mumbles. Harry raises an eyebrow at Zayn, who just shrugs; he has no idea where Oliver heard that.

"Come on, let's get you inside," Harry says. When he straightens up, he sees Liam and Niall standing by the entrance of the hospital, waiting for them. "Hey," he calls with a smile.

"Sorry," Rowan says as soon as they're close to him. "I didn't mean to drop him."

"I know you didn't, you'd never wanna hurt Oli, would you?" Harry responds, brushing Rowan's hair back. Rowan shakes his head frantically.

"Never ever," he says in a rush, brown eyes solemn.

"I know," Harry says again, leans in to kiss his nephew's forehead. He follows Zayn and Oliver into the hospital, and a nurse leads them to a waiting room. Harry has to sit uncomfortably close to Zayn, because the two chairs in the room are attached to each other. Oliver sits quietly, flipping through a picture book.

"Your cologne," Harry says suddenly to Zayn, barely aware that he's even said.

Zayn raises an eyebrow. "What about it?"

Annoyingly enough, Harry is blushing. "It's the...the one I bought you. For your birthday."

Zayn nods, smiling, but he looks a tad embarrassed. "Yeah...I, uh. It smells good."

Harry smiles widely. Zayn hates how adorable his dimples are. "I'm glad you still wear it," he says softly.

Oliver watches them, smiling a little. "Papa," he says.

Harry looks up. "Hm?"

"I think you should --" Oliver is cut off by a knock on the door, and the doctor walks in.

"Hey, kiddo," the doctor smiles, and Oliver shyly smiles back. "I hear you've hurt your arm, huh?"

Oliver nods. "I fell off my bunk bed."

"You did!? How'd that happen?"

Oliver purses his lips. "Snitches get stitches."

The doctor laughs at that, clearly not having expected that answer. "Okay, well, we're gonna do some x-rays, yeah? You two are welcome to come along. Would you like them to, Oliver?"

Oliver nods. "Please, Papa, Daddy?"

Harry and Zayn both nod, and they all follow the doctor down a hallway decorated with superheroes until they get tot he x-ray room. They're made to wait outside, and once again, are stuck being uncomfortable close together in an uncomfortable silence.

"So," Zayn says after a few minutes. "Your date."

Harry wrinkles his nose. "Zayn, don't."

"What? I'm not allowed to ask about your love life?"

Harry just glares at him.

"That bad, huh?"

Harry sighs. "Bad enough that I was relieved to hear Oli had broken his arm. I needed an out."

That makes Zayn laugh, hard. "What could've possibly been that bad?"

Harry deadpans. "Before the appetizers had arrived, he launched straight into his list of kinks, and suggested a June wedding."

Zayn's eyes go wide. "You've got to be shitting me."

"I wish I was."

That makes Zayn laugh even harder somehow. "Even our first date wasn't that bad."

Harry laughs softly. "No. It was good, really. You were so shy, and I was so...flustered." His cheeks go pink thinking about it.

Zayn grins fondly. "Yeah...yeah, you were." They both go quiet, but it's not as uncomfortable. "H, do you ever miss --"

"It's broken!" Oliver yells, but it sounds delighted.

"Why do you sound happy about that?" Harry laughs.

"The doctor said I can get a special cast," Oliver explains, bounding over to his papa. "I want it pink, Papa. Can I have it pink?"

"Whatever color you'd like," Zayn and Harry say in unison, and they stare at each other in surprise. They go back to the examination room, where the doctor wraps Oliver's arm in a pale pink cast. Harry grabs Zayn's hand almost as a reflex when Oliver makes a sound of pain. Zayn revels in the familiarity of holding Harry's hand.

"You were gonna ask me something," Harry says to Zayn as they pull their coats and hats on. "Before, right when Oli came out of the x-ray."

Zayn hesitates. The question is right on the tip of his tongue -- Do you ever miss being with me like I miss being with you? -- but he can't risk it. He can't risk losing Harry any more than he's already lost him, so he just says, "I just wondered if you missed when Oliver was a baby."

Harry smiles. "Oh, yeah. All the time. Remember that time he barfed baby carrots all over your favorite sweater?" He laughs heartily.

Zayn glares at him. "We don't talk about that," he says tightly, but he's smiling. He misses Harry like this. He misses Harry period.

Miracle | Zarry Christmas AU [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now