Chapter 3 [1/3]

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Mina glared at the insolent boy she never saw before in front of her. The blond boy didn't flinch under her stare, instead glaring back at her.

"What the hell are you thinking you're doing?"

"Your guard here apparently has bad manner, and as a student representative," Momo said, a bit mocking. "...or whatever, you're just pretending it didn't happen?"

Mina clenched her fist and pulled hand off. She then turned to the girl. "Are you injured?" she asked.

The girl shook her head. "I'm fine."

Mina then turned back to Haru.

"You heard that, she's fine."

Momo shrugged slightly. "But she deserved an apology for being man handed," she said. She noticed the student representative girl clenched her jaw which she bet to suppress her anger.

"Please forgive my guard rudeness," Mina said. If they were alone she would have made the boy regret for insulting her. When the offended person mumbled something about she was fine she turned around but after sending the last glare toward the blond-haired boy. Momo watched as the boys bowed apologetically toward the angry student representative girl but she ignored them. Tzuyu and Jeongyeon's hand on her shoulders broke her gaze.

Jeongyeon patted Momo's shoulder. "That's very brave Momo."

"You're incredible," Nayeon said to the boy who was also her hero.

"Do you have any idea what you've just done?"

Momo turned to Nayeon, a bit confused. "What have I done?"

"She is Myoui Mina student representative of this Academy, the Queen. Everyone fears her even teacher. And you just scold her," Nayeon said in amusement.

"I don't care if she's a queen, princess or whatever," Momo said. Nayeon shook her head, in admiration. From the corner of her eyes she noticed the other girl approached them.

"Thank you for helping me. My name is Kei, fifth-year student of School of Music. Are you new? I've never seen you before."

"I just did what everyone would do," Momo said. "And yes, we're new. My name is Haru and they are Xiumin, Kyungwan and Nayeon, fourth-year student."

"Nice to meet you all. Because you have saved me just tell me if you need anything."

Momo gave a grateful smile. "Thank you."

"It's me to thank you. Should get inside, see you around Haru."

Momo offered a light nod as Kei smiled before walking toward dining room.

"Let's get inside too, I'm hungry," Kyungwan said and pulled the other with her. Dining room was already filled by students from junior to senior. It was called dining room but in fact was big as a hall. There were three long tables for each school. They followed Nayeon to the back of the room and took their meals.

Momo held her tray while walking toward School of Music table. Although she kept her gaze at Nayeon's back but she could feel glances toward them. She heard giggles as they passed by School of Dance table. She glanced toward the table and some girls threw small wave and smile toward her. She quickly turned her head and stopped just in time as Nayeon took a chair and put her tray on dining table. She took the chair beside Nayeon.

Momo was about to take a gulp of her milk but Nayeon slapped her hand lightly. "What's wrong?"

"We're waiting for Mina."

Momo knitted her brows. She was about to ask why they needed to wait for the arrogant girl but her eyes met Kei's and the girl giggled. Getting embarrassed she turned her gaze. Now she noticed everyone hadn't started their meal yet. Sound of chair moving got her attention. There was another table at the front apparently for the schools president. She leaned her head back a little to get a better look and saw the arrogant girl stood up. When the girl glanced toward their table their eyes met. Even from distance she noticed the girl lifted an eyebrow before breaking the contact.

"Let's began to eat," Mina said.

Everyone lifted both hands before chest, saying back the phrase, starting to eat. Momo took spoon happily, digging in. The small incident made her forget that she was starving. She asked Nayeon about their next schedule. Nayeon would show them around and after lunch they could start their practice for the party.

"You have any idea for your performance?" Nayeon asked Haru who sat beside her. Haru then shrugged his shoulders.

"Not yet," Momo replied. She then turned to her friends. "We need to decide it today." The two nodded their heads in agreement.


Momo turned her gaze and saw three girls standing behind her. From their appearance they must be in same year as Nayeon, she thought. "Yes?"

A girl stepped forward and stretched hands out. "Uh, for you and your friends."

Momo looked down at oranges on the girl's hand. "For me?" She looked up and the girl nodded, smiling shyly. "Thanks."

"You're welcome. Can I have your name?"

"Uh, it's Haru," Momo replied. "And they're..."

Tzuyu smiled. "Xiumin."

Jeonyeon winked. "The name's Kyungwan."

"Nice to meet you Haru, Xiumin and Kyungwan. Hope will see you later."

Momo just gave a light nod as the girls waved their hands and left to their table.

"Got fans already?" Jeongyeon teased.

"Shut up," Momo said. She moved her gaze but once again met Kei's. The girl smiled a little and stood up, bringing her tray.

"I think she likes you," Tzuyu whispered. She giggled when got a glare from Momo.

After the tour Nayeon finally took them to School of Music building. The building had two wings, north and south. North wing was junior's: first-year to third-year; south wing was senior's: fourth-year to sixth-year. It also had a small hall inside the building.


Mina had finished her paper work and decided to meet Principal. As she descended stairs she noticed girls were murmuring and giggling. She followed their gaze and found three boys but only the one with blond hair kept her gaze immediately.

"New students," Mark said. "The taller one is my new roommate."

"Get famous already I see. What do you think, Queen?" Sana asked their leader with mischievous smile

'New student?' A small smile plastered on Mina's face as she turned to Sana. "We shall welcome them, shan't we?"

Mina turned around with a great plan in her mind. 'Let's see for how long they'll still get the spotlight'

"It's going to be fun, you think?" Sana asked her mates. Jimin and Mark looked back at her in confusion. She rolled her eyes. 'Guys' Then to Krystal. The girl just lifted an eyebrow at her.

"This is the reason I hate President Council."

"You just hate meeting stuff," Krystal said pointedly and followed after the other girl.

"Hold there Miss Cool, don't ever think I didn't see you catnap during meeting. Hey, wait for me!" Sana said, waltzing off.

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