Chapter 20 [1/3]

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Momo released a string before picking another one. She was inside music classroom after their practice for Indie music festival. She sat in front of a window, guitar on lap while Tzuyu and Jungyeon were debating about choreography. She decided to leave the two. Her gaze trailed over autumn colored trees outside, a thumb over steel strings. After her break up with Mina oddly she couldn't write a song, even only melody. Mina told her that writing lyrics was writing about her feeling, but now, she didn't have it. Maybe it wasn't completely true for she had it but not a happy one, and she didn't want to write sad song.

She sighed in boredom. She wanted to meet Mina . Days had passed since their meeting at street dance. They were in same school but couldn't meet and talk like normal friend. "Friend," she mumbled and another sigh out.

She put hand on guitar body, leaning chin down. Sadly, they were like friend now. Maybe they weren't just any friend since friend didn't kiss each other, on lips. Her lips curled up slightly.

Tzuyu glanced at Momo and the caught small smile and distant look. It was clear to her what the other boy-clad girl was doing. She nudged Jungyeon's arm. When the girl was still complaining about their choreography, she grabbed her cheeks.

Finally it stopped Jungyeon.


"Look," Tzuyu said and gave a nod toward Momo. "I really feel sorry for Momo. They like each other, in same school, but can't see each other."

Jungyeon folded arms before chest. "You know, they actually can use phone, or you think they don't know that?"

Tzuyu turned to Jungyeon. "They are not that dense," she said, looking back at Momo. "I think they are trying to protect each other. That's why they hold themselves. Though, I bet they miss each other."

"That's really romantic, yet, sad," Jungyeon said.

Tzuyu nodded, agreeing.

"Try to protect each other with sacrificing their feeling. Why is it so sad? It's like in romance dramas or movies, seriously. If I'm a writer I'll make a novel based on their story, it will be a great story."

Tzuyu raised an eyebrow. "You know, sometimes I don't get what you feel." 'And think, actually' But she didn't say the latter out.

"Oh, thanks."

"I'm not praising you," Tzuyu said to the beaming girl. She shook head, backtracking. "Now back to the problem, I wish there is something we can do for them."

"Let me see for that," Jungyeon said, pulling phone out.

Tzuyu once again knitted her brows. "What are you doing?"

"I have an idea." Jungyeon winked, continued typing.


Meanwhile, there was meeting at president council office. Schools presidents sat round meeting desk; Jimin was next to Sana, Krystal on the other side and Mina was on the head.

"I think Academy Ball should be held as scheduled before," Sana said.

"But you know we have a problem with financial lately, I don't think we can't afford a ball at moment," Krystal argued. "What students here need is a promise that they can continue to study in this Academy."

"I think it's the opposite, they need this," Sana said. "Lately this Academy lost its vigor. They need something refreshing, and it is ball." Krystal was about to argue and she added. "I know we have serious problem at moment but come on, let they enjoy their student life, teens life. We don't have to make it glamour like usual."

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