Chapter 2: The Concert

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"Steve Job's. " Mrs. Panuchi said in a high pitched voice as she wrote the name on the white board. "who knows this name?"

I scoffed at the question. Who doesn't? My hand shot up.

"Of course you'd raise your hand." Zoe sneered. Her little followers laughed with her.

"Ms. Blacking, do you have something to say?" Ms. Panuchi turned and looked at Zoe.

"No I was just defending myself from Skyler and Kaitlyn, Ms. Panuchi. " Zoe lied with a toothy smile.

Skyler rolled her eyes at her twin.

"Ms. Blacking number 2, what did you do this time?" Mrs. Panuchi asked tiredly.

"Don't know what you're talking about." Skyler said popping her gum. Sometimes that girl just pushes things to the limit.

"Ms. Blacking do you need to see the principal?" Mrs. Panuchi said in a high nasally voice. She reached up and fixed her beehive hair do.

"Yes Ms. Panuchi. In fact I do so I can get your lazy ass fired. " Skyler smirked and jumped from her seat grabbing her books.

Ms. Panuchi's expression was caught between a look of pain and disgust as Skyler began to walk away.

I watched as Skyler walked over to Zoe's desk and kicked all of her books to the ground.

"What a bitch!" Zoe screeched. Zoe's posse reached down and picked it all up for her as she watched Skyler walk out the classroom door.

The teacher didn't even protest because it was always easier for them if they just let her go.

"Okay, back to what I was saying , who is Steve Job's?" Ms. Panuchi asked.

"A guy who did jobs?" My other best friend Jessy asked. He sat on my right. All the girls giggled. As he spoke his deep tenor voice and his toned muscles always tensed when he laughed. His brown hair was shaved on both sides but up in the middle.

"No, Jessy. " The teacher groaned. " Kaitlyn how about you? Do you know who Steve Job's is?" she asked smiling at me.

"Umm ya he invented Apple. Like our iPhones an stuff. " I said feeling the eyes of Zoe and her little gang on me.

"Yes exactly Steve Job's first started working at Atarri in...." the teacher trailed off as Jessy nudged me with his elbow.

What? I mouthed at him he looked down at a piece of paper on my desk. I opened it up.

"Why are you wearing sunglasses inside?" -Jessy

"Why do you care!" - Kaitlyn

I wrote back and threw it at him. He opened it up and made a pretend look of hurt that made me smile.

"Cause I'm your best friend. " -Jessy

I tapped my pencil absentmindedly trying to think of a reasonable lie.

"Why are you wearing those inside?" someone sneered in my ear. I looked to my left and there was one of Zoe's guy friends named Ryder.

"Cause I can. " I spat.

"You look like a freak oh wait you are a freak. " Ryder laughed, his fluffy black hair bouncing.

I just rolled my eyes at him and looked away.

I looked back down at the paper and responded

"Dropped my phone and I have a black eye! ):" I wrote.

I passed it to him and smiled at my response.

The bell rang and everyone jumped up as if their seats were on fire.

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