Chapter 4: Brown Haired Beauty

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As I slammed my locker shut someone's face appeared in front of me. It was some girl name Bridgette from my Spanish class. She had dark brown hair with streaks of red and a few blotches of acne on her pale face.

"Yes, Bridgette?" I asked trying to walk around her. My head was still buzzing from the night before. Austin's voice still rang in my ears.

"You're the mysterious girl Austin Mahone was with last night! " Bridgette smiled her hazel eyes lighting up.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Look" Bridgette shoved her phone in my face and displayed some kind of news article and surly enough there was a picture of Austin holding me in his toned arms. I let a gasp go as I read the caption "mysterious brown haired Beauty." There where numerous comments on the article saying things like "she's so pretty" to "that ugly hoe. " And "that's his new girlfriend. "

"I can't believe you met Austin! " She gushed. Suddenly more girls where surrounded around me. Some where flashing me glares and other smiles.

"I-I-I- it was an accident. " I mumbled pushing through the group of a girls as my cheeks went bright red. My head began to spin as I went over the events of last night. Someone had seen us through the gap in the curtain and taken the picture. Now I'm making headlines. Me! Kaitlyn, just some random girl from Connecticut.

As I walked into my Geometry class, all the harsh stares of my classmates followed my every move until I plopped down in the back, next to Jessi.

"How are you, Mrs. Mahone?" jessi chuckled. I shot him a glare and curiously opened my twitter on my phone. There was a tweet about me. Tweeted by austin Mahone. "I'm glad I saved you from that fall, Kaitltn. ;) " My heart stopped beating at I read those words over and over again. Everyone was tweeting back and the most popular hashtag was #findkaitlyn. I jumped as my phone vibrated in my hand. A message rolled across the top of the screen. It was from Austin. Austin Mahone.

Hey Kaitlyn it's Austin! How are you doing?- Austin

My heart fluttered as I realized he had actually taken the time out of his day to text me. Quickly I responded with trembling hands.

Good. Umm what's up with all this stuff about me?

I nervously starred at my paper trying to make sense of the numbers. As I was writing the answer, most likely wrong, my phone vibrated in my lap causing me to jump.

"You ok?" Jessi asked giving me a weird look.

"Look!" I whisper squealed holding my phone up for him to see the texts from austin! His yes widened as he read the name. I checked the message

Someone girl saw us. And I justbahd to tweet about you! Wanna hangout tonight? - Austin

My heart stopped as I read the last part and my hands became clammy. I rubbed them on my dark blue skinny jeans trying to calm my self down. What would Ash think of I "hung out" with Austin? Would he be mad? I looked down at my phone and replied the only reasonable answer.

Yeah I would love too.

The bell rung as soon as I hit send. I slowly slid out of my seat and collected my books together. Jessi waited patiently at the door for me.

"Are you going to hangout with him? " Jessi asked as we walked into the sea of people.

"How could i not. " I sighed, imagining sitting at a restaurant with Austin.

Jessi just shrugged, not understanding the mind of a teenage girl. Suddenly I was jones roughly up against the lockers by someone. I looked up and my eyes met with my captures. Ash.

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