C H A P T E R - O N E

88 7 8

H E' S M I N E

C H A P T E R - O N E


"You're a real dick, you know that?" I shout in his face. He only flashed a cocky smirk as he clung onto his goody-two-shoes girlfriend. His light brown eyes only held amusement, making me roll mine. He has some nerve to act like a cocky ass wipe right now. I remove my eyes from his, just for the sake of the public, which just happens to be basically the entire school, and I look at his forehead, then his dark brown hair. I want to smile, but unfortunately can't right now.

"You know what, fuck you, Xander, and your silly little girlfriend too."

Chelsea is so shy; she basically depends on Xander to do everything for her. The girl could barely stand up for herself. I have no idea why Xander chose her of all girls. She is pretty, but she has no personality, like seriously. Xander claims it's love, but it's obviously not. And I'm not the only one who thinks that.

I push past the crowd of people who can't mind their business, and walk to my tiny circle of friends. And by tiny, I mean two. I'm good with that. Two is great. It's better than being like Chelsea who is completely surrounded by people who hates her because she's too clingy and boring. Troy and Jay. Two idiots who treat me as their daughter and best friend at the same time. It's kind of cool, but they can get really annoying at times.

"Shae, I have absolutely no idea why you even waste your breath on that guy," Jay rolled his eyes and he adjusted the straps of his backpack. I shrug my shoulders, a smile forming on my lips. I opened my mouth to say something, but my dark haired friend spoke first, "Jay, you have to admit, the guy is super-hot. I mean at gym; he really kills it."

"I know he's hot, Troy," Jay sounded a bit insulted, and I narrow my eyes at him. I have a pretty good idea what's going on, but I'll talk to Jay in private. Jay continued, "Why would you even say that? I mean, everyone knows Xander Wilde is hot, but was it necessary to voice that?"

"You're getting upset over nothing, I think he's cute, so what? It's not like he's gay too."

I scoff, "he's definitely not gay." They both look at me with raised eyebrows. I curse silently then quickened my step so I could reach to class faster. We all have the same class but I don't want their questions right now. They know how to get information from me. Which by the way, I have none?

Jay and Troy walked into the class some seconds after me, taking their seats on either sides of me and giving me strange looks. I don't know what's gotten into them, but they should stop. I'm failing Math, and their stares would distract me. But I'm obviously not going to talk to them. I have to focus. However, I find that really hard, knowing that Chelsea of all people sit in front of me and she does extremely well at Math. How great.

I try to keep my mind off of Jay and Troy as the teacher began and I opened my book. But as soon as the teacher's back turns, Jay whispers to me, "We aren't forgetting that comment about... 'X'..." his eyes shift to Troy who was nodding his head.

"I need to concentrate," I tell them in a hushed tone, keeping my eyes in my book. They lean back in their seats and I was left alone. My eyes scan my open book, then the board, when I realized I don't have the slightest clue about what's going on. I let a sigh leave my lips and I lean back in my chair, surrendering to Mathematics. How do people understand this?

I glance up a bit, over her shoulder, finding her scribbling away. I hate that she is so perfect at this Math thing. I think that's the reason I hate her so much. She's too perfect. She tops the class, comes from a great family, she has money and everything just seems to fall into place with her. Well, almost everything.

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