C H A P T E R - T H I R T E E N

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H E' S M I N E

C H A P T E R – T H I R T H E E N


"I can't talk to him now. I swear, I'll talk tomorrow. I'm still preparing myself," Troy says to me, biting his bottom lip. I nod my head and smile at him. I'm glad he's finally accepted that him and Jay are soul mates. They are complete opposites (somewhat...), which makes them perfect for each other. And they won't have to go through the stressful 'getting to know each other' period, because they already know each other. I'm so proud of Troy for finally realizing.

My cell phone begins to ring, breaking the perfectly comfortable silence. I dig it out from my pockets and slide my finger across the screen. Troy's eyes were on me as I did so, then put it to my ears. Xander's accented voice was the first thing and I couldn't help but smile. He's been calling since this morning after he left.

"Hey babe," I greet. I know he won't be able to say it back because he's in school, and Chelsea is probably right next to him as she basically has no friends at school besides us.

"Hello. I've been calling for ages and you aren't picking up. Is something wrong?" he asks me.

"No, I'm with Troy. I don't think I'll be in school today though," I blink to Troy, "Don't miss me too much."

"I'll try. Although I find that extremely difficult..." He says and I laugh softly.

"Okay, I gotta go, okay..." he continued. I nod my head. I wish he was here, I like having him around.

"Okay, see you tonight maybe?" I ask hopefully. Xander laughed softly, "Yeah, sure."

I grin and cheer, "Okay, great."

We hang up the phone and I immediately apologize to Troy. I'm happy and he's gloomy. He doesn't have the guy of his dreams yet. He flashed a smile at me the hugged his pillow. Currently, I am on his bean bag and I was playing with a very fluffy stuffed dog... or elephant. I can't really tell. Troy is laying on his stomach, hugging a pillow.

"How did you two even meet?" he asks me. I rolled my shoulders and picked the fur of the stuffed animal, "Well uh do you really want to hear about Xander and I? I don't want to make you depressed or whatever..."

"Shae, shut up. Just tell me how you met."

"Okay," I smile at him. I low key love talking about Xander and I. I just don't want to seem like I'm rubbing it in his face, which is not what I'm doing. He asked so I'm being a good friend and answering his questions. I got comfortable in my seat.

"Well obviously we met at school," I smile at him, "He already had Chelsea when I met him. In the beginning I actually did hate him, because he was my brother's obnoxious friend with the annoying girlfriend. Do you remember that night when I went to the beach with my brother and his friends? Well, we sort of had a mini party with alcohol and weed and stuff." I cleared my throat then continued, "So somehow we decided we should all skinny dip. I was fucking high and drunk so I agreed with it. Anyway, I took a photo, and in the photo was my drunken brother, but in the background was basically Xander naked as a new born baby. I hadn't noticed that at all and that night I posted the pic on Facebook."

Troy began to snicker, "I totally remember that."

I laugh along, "The next day, Saturday, he messaged me on Facebook telling me to take down the pic. I still had no idea he was fucking naked in the picture and I was too lazy to go check, so I basically said no. Eventually I looked at the pic and like literally began to laugh. I messaged him saying I'll never delete the photo and I totally gave him a hard time. Surprisingly enough he replied to me and he wasn't even angry. To be honest it seemed like he was humored by it, which I didn't want. I wanted him to be angry and hate me more, but he like totally forgot the picture the next day and talked to me as though we were best buddies."

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