C H A P T E R - F I V E

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H E' S M I N E

C H A P T E R – F I V E


Xander took me to a building, which was abandoned and seemed ancient. There was a little high grass to get past when walking to the entrance. The cracked walls of the building already were growing vines on them and that was basically it. The place was deserted but seemed a bit clean. There wasn't a dead dog or a bunch of garbage bags here, which is a plus. I didn't expect him to bring me here, I was actually thinking in a forest or something.

Xander takes my hand as we made it to the entrance, after arriving inside, I take off the hoodie and looked around. The floors were dusty concrete and the entire place seemed like it was infested with cobwebs. In the corners or the house especially. There was no old furniture or anything for that matter. It was just the buildings and the walls.

I let out a sigh and my eyes found his, as he was already staring at me. I hate when he does that; try to be all innocent when we all know he screwed up. Xander stepped closer to me and I backed up. I turned around and walked to a window which was covered by an old, dirty white sheets.

"Where did you find this place?" I ask him.

"Well it was a house..." Xander sounds confused about his reply.

"So, you didn't know this place existed until...?" I trail off, then turn around to face him. He shrugged and ran his fingers through his hair, "A friend lived here, okay. Like a close friend..."

"And he moved?" I rose an eyebrow.

"Well he died. And his family didn't want to stay in the house so they moved. They're still in town, just not here," he doesn't sound like he's going to burst into a million tears soon, and I'm sort of glad. I can't stand to see crying guys; I immediately begin to cry. I guess it's a flaw.

"Don't you miss him? Why would you come back here?" I continue to question.

"Because I want to. I know he's still here. He died in the house."

"What the hell, Xander. You sound so demented," I turn back to the window.

"I'm demented because I believe my dead friend still lives in his house?"

I immediately turn to him, feeling horrible. I can't believe I said that. He brought me here, to a place which is obviously special to him, and I insulted him. I'm such a screw up.

"I'm sorry, Xander."

"Can we talk?" he asks me, walking to take a seat on the dusty staircase. I follow his actions, sitting next to him. He glanced at me then back to the ground. "I hate when your upset," he says. I smile, but try to hide it, "I hate being upset, especially with you." But do I really have a choice? He's basically with another girl right in front of me.

"Tell me why you were really upset. It's not just because we slept in your room right?"

"Well yeah, I guess. Plus, I expected more from you. You know how I feel about her, you could have suggested the basement. Then to top it all off, you were clinging to her like glue. It's like you two were throwing your relationship in my face. Xander if you don't want this, just tell me."

"Listen, I'm sorry about that. I didn't think it would have affected you the way it did, but I want this. I want you, so badly. I can't stand to not see your gorgeous smile every day." He cupped my cheek and his thumb ran across my thin bottom lip. I blink up at him then look away. I remove his hand from my cheek and faced front again. Xander looked surprised as I stood up.

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