C H A P T E R - F O U R T E E N

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H E' S M I N E

C H A P T E R – F O U R T E E N


Troy completely broke down when he heard Jay was on drugs. It was his first time doing it and his body obviously wasn't accustomed to it. He passed out because he took in way too much. We aren't allowed to see him yet but I'm guessing he was stressed and heard that drugs help. I don't know. And I totally blame myself. For the past days, I've been a terrible friend to them both and I should have been there for them more.

Troy's mum is here, but she isn't really doing anything. Troy is leaning on me, and holding my hand. We're both comforting each other right now and we just really want to see Jay. I need to see Jay before I believe everything is okay with him.

Later, the doctor allowed us into his room and Troy was the first one in. It was just Troy and I. Jay lay on the hospital bed, with the sheets up to his waist and the top half was in a diagonal position, making him sit up. Troy went to the side of him and took his hand.

"I'm so glad you're okay, Jay..." Troy says then glance up at me, who was on the opposite side. I nod my head. It would be best for Troy to just tell him how he feels instead of us bombarding him with a bunch of 'Why's and 'How's. Troy squeezed Jay's hand and my eyes immediately went on the heart monitor. However, neither of them seemed to care about that.

"I missed you so much," Troy continued, "And I'm sorry about what happened. I didn't know how you felt about me and I was a complete idiot and I'm totally sorry. I don't know what's wrong with me Jay, I mean, I already admitted to myself that I have feelings for you, like a lot of feelings that I can barely decipher, but I know they are good. I just don't know if I'm worthy of you. I mean, you're such a great guy and I'm just-"

"Perfect," Jay completes, "You're perfect, Troy. I mean, yeah, you have your many flaws, but I like you with them. It makes you who you are."

I was just silently waiting for them to kiss and smiling like an idiot at the nice things they're saying to each other. I blinked at his heart rate and grinned. I blinked back at them and realized the exact reason why Jay's was beating as fast as it was. I'm not usually a fan of watching couples kiss but this is an exception. They are by far the best couple I have ever seen in my entire life; I'm not even exaggerating. Jay and Troy kissing gives me life, I was fucking tempted to take a picture and frame it for their children to have forever.

Eventually after they were kissing a while, I finally decided to take the picture, but then I was just standing there, I decided to take a seat and awkwardly look out the window, re-evaluating my life. My two best friends are kissing in a hospital room and I love a guy who's got a girlfriend. My life is fucking great right now.

I notice the door opening and the doctor stepping in. I look at the boys then back at the doctor. He furrowed his brows and he stepped more into the room. I decided to speak before the doctor does because I'm pretty sure he is going to say something that might make me want to kill him.

"When can he leave?"


The entirety of the weekend was spent with Jay and Troy. I wasn't the third wheel, thankfully. They were just holding hands a lot and basically kissing every second, but I wasn't the third wheel. It's a shame I won't be able to do those things.

Well graduation is in two weeks, so I basically only have two weeks until Xander dumps Chelsea... or at least that's what he says. If it's after grad and he hasn't broken up with her, I think I'll have to call it quits with him. I mean, I'll be going to college, I can't be doing this, we can't be doing this. I know it will hurt both of us but it has to be done.

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