Chapter 4

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the sky was beautiful as Lauren was walking by herself after the bus dropped her off back home, this Monday.

she wanted to take a picture of it, maybe post it on her snapchat or instagram. Lauren got her phone out and got ready to take a picture. she knew how to do this, it was easy for her to take good pictures of the sky since she did it all the time.

Lauren zoomed in just right into the sky and took the picture after steadying it. she smiled fond of the picture already knowing she was gonna post that.

"woahh that's really beautiful!"

a voice breaks off Lauren from her train of thoughts and Lauren turns to see Camila there with her hands behind her back, and a big grin on her face.


remembering what day today was I groan, shaking my head. "I forgot to buy the stuff, I didn't get to study, an-"

Camila puts her index finger up on a motion to quiet me, "it's okay! I kind of knew you were gonna forget so i already bought you everything!"

honestly I didn't forget, I was thinking about it all day, but I was surprised when Camila said she brought me the stuff.

I nodded a silent nod towards her as I turned around walking home, and Camila followed me skipping close to me.

I tried hard not to be rude to her again because my parents gave me the lecture about it biting me in the ass later, and Anthony annoyingly joining in on the conversation trying to make me feel bad.

It's like Anthony and I don't love each other or something. Him and I have been fighting since forever.... I guess that's just how siblings are.

"Lauren?" I snap out of my thoughts as i glance towards Camila, letting out a "hmm?" and she asks me, already knowing the answer, "do you know what we're doing the project on?"

I shrug as I shake my head no, not really caring at all. I'd let Camila do all the work and let myself get the credit too.

she giggled and shook her head at me, mumbling something under her breath that I didn't catch.

opening my door, I get in before locking the door on Camila making me laugh and smile as she tries to open it.

I consider leaving her outside but I know I shouldn't, so I reluctantly open it, seeing her face hurt and her face with a frown.

"I thought we were cool now...."

I cringe at the word cool and I look at her still hurt face grabbing her arm and pulling her in, before shutting the door.

"It wasn't even that bad, chill...."

Camila nods and knowing my house she walks past me and runs excitedly giggling to my room. I feel my face twist into regret.

shit.... I should've left her outside.

I grab my own fruit roll up not bothering to get any for Camila, she should've waited for me instead of going to my room without permission.

opening the door to my room, I see Camila already having the objects splayed out on my bed.

sucking on my roll-up I watch as Camila starts to write something down on the large trifold. her small fingers wrap around the pencil tightly and I watch her tongue stick out a bit as she tries to write as neat as she can.

leaning against the wall, "what're we going to do?" it comes off muffled since I have the roll-up on my mouth.

she looks up and removes her long hair that's over her face, putting it behind her ear. "oh we're gonna draw something together but I still need to think of what..." she hums staring off, "I'm thinking about a rose?" she looks at me with her eyes hoping that I was okay with that idea.

I scrunch my nose and shake my head, "this isn't middle school, or no-not even middle school. drawing a rose is some elementary shit."

Camila looks down ashamed and mumbles a soft 'sorry'. After a few moment she looks up at the roll-up, hearing her stomach rumble from all the way to where I am. I ignore that just because I don't wanna go downstairs to get her one.

"we could draw a sky... but one with specific tones and shades." i state my thoughts not sure of it.

she beamed her smile growing, "oh! what about your picture?" I grin surprisingly loving that idea and I take out my phone, and put the picture of it.

she beamed her smile growing, "oh! what about your picture?" I grin surprisingly loving that idea and I take out my phone, and put the picture of it

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I proudly smile at the picture as Camila already starts to try to outline it. I consider if I should leave her and let her do all the work while I go and eat some more or if I should stay and help her.

"no... you need to do the grid first." deciding to help her, I sigh to myself. she gasps and nods, lightly drawing the grid on the trifold.

we continue drawing and me constantly correcting Camila on what to do. I'm surprised I haven't kicked her out of my house yet.

I mean... it's okay to have her here. I'm not saying I like it though.

soon enough, we're halfway down and the sky outside is already dark. I found myself a little bit glad that my parents nor Anthony have came home yet.

they'd distract Camila and then she wouldn't do any of the work...

"I think it's time for you to go," glancing at my window that has the view of outside, "it's getting dark." Camila shakes her head at me coming closer toward me as a way to reassure me, "oh no! It's okay, I can take care of myself.
Besides I always walk home at night... nothing really happens."

visibly rolling my eyes she steps back clearly again hurt by my antics, "Anthony doesn't get back until around night because he's too busy being with his friends."

Camila looks down, and nods grabbing her stuff, she leaves the pencils, scissors, and rulers she bought me and grabs the drawing that we did.


"wait Camila!" Lauren calls after Camila and Camila turns towards Lauren hoping she would let her stay for a bit longer.

"yes?" Camila stares at Lauren, at the same time having difficulty carrying all the stuff she bought over just to do this project and impress Lauren.

"don't forget to lock the door on your way out."

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