Chapter 10

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Trevor sat silently at breakfast, picking at his omelet. David and Aya were deep in conversation about potions and Brenda was reading through her Magic book. Trevor exhaled and dropped his fork, pushing his plate away and grabbing an apple from the bowl of fruit in the middle of the table. He stood up and headed out, ignoring his siblings' calls to him. Trevor walked out and to the stables, stopping by Stephanie's stall.

"Back again? You know Kathey will have your head if you don't go to classes today," Malice stated from his usual napping spot. Seemed like he didn't stick around for breakfast long either.

"I'm aware, but I have an hour until they start," Trevor snapped.

"You need to get over this, Trevor. You can't be a mother hen to a full grown griffin who knows exactly what she did and she doesn't regret it. Don't hover over her, get to class."

Trevor rolled his eyes and ignored Malice.

"Trevor." Kathey's unmistakable, stern voice, caught Trevor's attention. Trevor froze for a second before looking over at her. "I don't know what's going on with that thick head of yours, I don't like to pry into personal matters. But you need to suck up this guilt and quit worrying about Stephanie."

"If I wasn't such a damn coward she wouldn't have gotten hurt!" Trevor argued.

"If you were a coward, you would've left for home already. You have enough understanding of how to control your dragon form to be able to leave. Course, your siblings would stay, they seem quite happy here and unafraid of what's been occurring. You're no coward and you have no reason to worry about MY griffin. Understand?"

Trevor scoffed, tossed the apple into Stephanie's stall, and stormed out.


"No, Kathey. I'm done!" Trevor snapped. He turned dragon and took to the air, heading south. Kathey watched him fly off before rubbing her face.

"Great. Things just keep getting better everyday," Kathey mumbled.

"What me to go after him?" Malice offered.

"No, leave him be. I think he's taking this harder than his siblings for a reason. He was about to start his life and then was shoved into this one. He's probably been going through a lot." Kathey looked at the sky again and exhaled. "Don't tell his siblings where he is, they'll go looking for him."

"Copy that, boss." Kathey shook her head with a smirk and headed inside.


Trevor flapped his wings hard and fast. Despite the difficulty he had flying recently, he ignored any faltering he had and kept pushing himself forward. Tears of rage flowed from his eyes as he flew. Trevor squeezed his eyes shut.

It's my fault. Stephanie wouldn't have been hurt if I didn't act like such a coward. It's my fault she's hurt! It's- "Shit!" Trevor had opened his eyes and almost collided with another dragon. He caught a glimpse of blue scales before he plummeted to the ground. Trevor's face met with grass and he slid to a stop beside a river. "Ow..."

"Hey! Are you ok?" The dragon above called, flying down and landing. Trevor rubbed his snout and looked up at the dragon, noticing he had a silver eye.

"Yeah, sorry about that. Wasn't watching where I was going." Trevor swiped at his eyes and stood.

"Most dragons don't exactly end up falling when they almost collided. Are you a yearling or something?"

"A what?"

"Raised as a human and only just realized you are a dragon within the year."


The Dragoso Series 1: Discovery in HardshipWhere stories live. Discover now