Chapter 12

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Brokenstar paced frantically in the throne room. He sent so many creatures on purpose, the Compass Dragons should've come through the portals by now, where were they?

You do nothing but underestimate them!

Brokenstar growled and ignored Cenod. Demise watched nearby, scared to speak. Brokenstar had been on edge since his last order. Being in control of the Underworld gave him so much more power, but he couldn't bring that power to the Compass Dragons. He'd have to bring the fight to him.

But it wasn't as easy as he thought.

They aren't going to jump on a problem right away! They plan and rest before tackling it. Don't be an idiot.

"Demise! Leave!" Brokenstar roared. Demise squeaked and flew out quickly. Brokenstar tossed his head, Cenod slamming into a nearby wall. "Shut up!" He pinned Cenod to the wall by the shadow's neck.

"Kill me and Master will have your head," Cenod warned. Brokenstar bared his teeth at Cenod whose white teeth started to appear in the shape of a sheepish grin. Brokenstar snorted and released Cenod.

The shadow being got to his feet and shook out his wings, chuckling. "You totally are afraid of my Master." Brokenstar growled and turned away from Cenod. "You better hope your loyalty doesn't slip."

Cenod preened his wings. "Or what?"

"You will surely regret it, Brokenstar." Brokenstar narrowed his eyes at Cenod before turning away.

"We'll see."


Trevor exhaled as he pulled his signature football jersey over his head. Behind him, David was tying his shoelaces tight and stuffing the laces into his shoe. Trevor looked over his shoulder at his brother before nodding to him. David looked up and nodded back. Without a word, they exited their room, meeting Brenda and Aya in the hallway. Trevor nodded to Brenda who nodded back and they started downstairs and outside to the front of the Academy.

The rest of the team stood ready to go. They all stood in their human forms chatting amongst each other. Trevor realized they were separated into their groups. Kathey, Malice, Sylark, and Zoymey in one group. Sonar, Tikimune, Samual, and Arkin in another group. The Compass Dragons and the Special Needs Dragons.

"You guys ready?" Trevor asked, turning to his siblings. "Our first mission, probably the most dangerous we'll ever have. We can't be careless while we're down there."

"What if we lose?" David asked. Trevor looked down at his brother before laying a hand on David's head. He took a breath and exhaled slowly.

"Buddy, what matters most is that you tried your hardest to help out. The worst that can happen is this...Brokenstar us and we're trapped in the Underworld until Kathey can save us. You worry about being careful, fight hard, and listen to what they tell you to do, alright?" David nodded and Trevor looked to his sisters. "That goes for you two as well. Mom can't lose all of us at once." Before Trevor could continue, the sound of the front doors of the Academy slamming open drew everyone's attention to them. Deathbore stood looking livid.

"Deathbore?" Kathey questioned as the Underworld King stomped forward, clearly angry.

"I'm gonna murder that double crossing asshole of a demon!" Deathbore roared.

"Whoa, whoa, what happened?" Malice asked.

"Nakano, that's what! That feshing demon let Brokenstar into the Underworld right under my nose and helped that psychotic Nega Dragon overthrow me! Oh, he is going to PAY!" Deathbore shouted and his body was surrounded in a rich black glow. His body changed and revealed a black dragon with a pink underbelly and wing membrane. His irises were a fierce pink while the rest was black, filled with rage.

The Dragoso Series 1: Discovery in HardshipWhere stories live. Discover now