Marriage Made In Heaven - Chapter 28

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I didn't handle the kiss very well at all. I had kissed a married man... he wasn't mine to kiss and I had probably projected my wanton desire onto him and that was putting him at risk of falling from grace.

So I avoided him. The only person who knew I kissed him was Luang because I called him in a state of panic as I didn't want someone reading my mind and punishing Ethan. Plus I was embarrassed about the library thing and shouting at him in the kitchen in front of my mother and the naked show and tell where I groped him. I was sobbing so hard by the time I confessed all to Luang by sharing my thoughts I pulled some of the muscles in my chest. He took me back to the monastery and put me in isolation whilst he sorted things out. He said I was all out of alignment and I was to meditate, read, eat, exercise and sleep in my room and I did just that.

A few days later my mother came to see me.

"Luang said it was ok to see you now," she said smiling tentatively. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm ok," I said.

She looked me up and down, I caught a glimpse of something in her eyes and she looked away.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

She nodded but I felt it... she wasn't.

"Why are you feeling like that?" I asked.

"Oh I am sorry, I didn't mean to project onto you," she said. "I'll come back later," she said and disappeared.

"Mum!" I called after her but she didn't return.

I asked Luang what was wrong and he explained that she felt a failure as a mother to me so I asked him to transport me home to my room. He did as I asked and said if it all became too much I could return to the monastery.

"Mum?" I called as I walked through to the kitchen and all around the house. She was nowhere.

I was about to call my father when Ethan appeared in front of me, my heart totally freaked out.

"Hello," he said politely enough but there was an undertone of pissed off.

"Hi," I managed to spit out with difficulty as my tongue felt like it had just grew to the size of a flip flop in my mouth.

"Your mother and the others are not here, she is in another realm she won't be back until tomorrow," he said.

"Oh, ok," I whispered.

"Daniel needs to see you," he said his eyes were almost a scowl.

I nodded as I just couldn't think of what to say. I had lost the ability to communicate any reasonable responses.

He disappeared and I slowly moved towards the sink for some water. My mouth was so dry.

Ethan appeared in front of me with Daniel. Instead of Daniel reaching out to me as he always did he turned around in his fathers arms and cuddled up into Ethan away from me.

I reached out a shaky hand to stroke his hair but he reached out and smacked it away saying no and snuggling further into Ethan to hide.

"Sorry but he wants to go home," Ethan said quietly.

I was shocked.

"I will bring him back later if you like," he offered.

I nodded.

"Unless of course you disappear again without any consideration for others," he said.

Daniel whined and gave me a heartbreaking look.

"I'm sorry," I whispered to him as my voice was failing me.

"No," he said and burst into tears. Ethan cuddled him close.

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