Marriage Made In Heaven - Chapter 45

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Three days later and Ethan was still unconscious. I didn't care. I didn't want him here. I didn't want to be here. I wanted my baby. That was all I wanted. My little boy here in my arms where he belongs but I knew that I would never hold him again.

Luang had changed the past as we asked. Stephen and Mark could live their lives free of us and the horrific memory of my childs death. Millies aunt was set back on her path too as we travelled this one. The four of us.

Zach was getting stronger bit by bit. He tired easily and looked after Ethan as I was not interested. I wouldn't even look at him, I knew why. It was because to see him was to see the child I lost in his features. I just couldn't face that yet.

Zach had explained to Millie that they had fallen to protect us but failed. He couldn't be more right in my eyes and he knew it. We didn't need telepathy... not that any of us had that power anymore. The only reason we had heard Luang was because he was speaking to us and he had the power.

"Libby, Ethan is awake," Millie announced as she walked to sit beside me as I stared into a stream we had stopped beside for a break. "Do you want to tell him or shall I ask Zach?" she asked.

I shook my head to indicate that I wouldn't.

"Ok," she said as she gave me a hug and left me to my tears .

A good while later Millie returned to say we were staying here for the night. She didn't mention Ethan. If he felt anything like I did, I knew he was in his own private hell. He had fell to try to protect us and failed. He had lost his wings and his son. I just wished he'd stayed in heaven and whisked our baby out of harms way. Instead of falling.

"Do you want some tea?" Zach asked as he knelt beside me.

I shook my head as I continued to stare at the water.

"Why don't you go lie down and rest a while?" he suggested.

I nodded. I was tired and I would sleep in the hope of dreaming of my own little angel. I stood and walked towards the tent. Ethan was knelt to the side of it under a tree. I didn't have to make eye contact to know. I could see him out of the corner of my eye.

"Can I get you anything?" Millie asked as I walked to the tent.

I shook my head.

"He is praying," Millie whispered.

"Bit too late for that," I said.

I climbed into my sleeping bag and settled down for the night. I fell to sleep exhausted and woke the next morning without having dreamt about a single thing. I ventured outside, Millie was sat on her own and nodded in the direction of Ethan and Zach. I flicked my eyes there for a moment and ignored them.

"He hasn't moved all night," Millie whispered. "He is still praying."

My mind wanted to say all sorts of horrid things like 'fat lot of good that will do' etc but instead I felt he was praying for our son's soul and that I could not smear his faith with bitter words. Once again just the thought of my baby broke my heart and I walked off for some solitude sobbing along the way.

"We are leaving," Millie said later as she found me. I walked back with her and sat in the Van. Millie got in and I closed my eyes to sleep as I heard the Van doors closing and Zach telling Millie we could head off. I knew Ethan was in the van and sitting on one of the sofa's but didn't acknowledge him or anyone as I tried to dream of my little boy. Millie's hand reached across to hold mine reassuringly as the never ending tears fell silently.

We travelled on in silence apart from Millie and Zach who talked about directions, his backseat driving, her inability to read a map etc. They may not be married anymore or together but they sure sounded like it.

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