Marriage Made In Heaven - Chapter 34

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I had no idea how long had passed when I finally came around.

"Clever girl," Luang said. "It has been just over two days," he said answering my question.

I was too tired to open my eyes. I moaned as I felt the pain in my stomach and chest.

"Shhh don't try to move, just rest," he said.

I felt the pain again.

"It's ok, we are still fixing you and it is a tight squeeze as you have been out of your body for a long time, think of it like trying to make a butterfly back into a caterpillar," he said.

I thought of my father as the pain made me feel as though I was about to explode.

"Michael she calls for you," Luang said.

"I'm here," he said nearby, I still couldn't open my eyes. "Don't cry," he said as I felt a tear race so fast down my cheek that no one could have caught it. "Your mother is here too, do you want to hear her voice?" he asked.

I did and as soon as I thought it I heard her. "Hello sweetheart," she said and even though she tried to sound cheery I could tell she was crying. "We are all here for you," she said. "Millie is here too."

"Where the hell have you been?" Millie said. "And don't die on me again or I will kill you," she said. Oh I'd missed that 'witty-tude' as we liked to call it, I thought.

"She found that funny," Luang said his own voice amused. "She also remembered a word of significance to you both prior to her memory loss. Things are looking promising. More of the Witty-tude," he said to Millie who gasped at the mention of it and grabbed my hand tight.

"Brilliant! Well done Casper! When will she be able to talk?" Millie asked.

"In time," he answered.

"Typical shit answer from Mister Miyaga here... Oh my god it that why you named him Daniel... Daniel? You karate kidded him," she asked. "Luang!" she said sounding disappointed.

She was so funny.

"She found that amusing too and no I didn't name him Daniel after that horrendous movie, his soul told me its name when it arrived," he said. "But for using a profanity in my monastery you will learn wax on wax off."

"Oh Fffff...lipping Ada," Millie said trying not to swear. "You are a very mean monk, Luang and if you think for one minute you are getting me to leap about on one foot, Hi-ya-ing in the air on a beach or rescuing a baby tree you can forget it."

"It is a Bonsai tree and you will do as instructed or I will tell Raguel," he threatened with an amused tone.

"Libby, can you hurry up and get well please as I owe you a major kicking," she said. "You went all Mork calling Orson on me and I had a whole bunch of angels in my head which gave me a massive head ache and Raguel found out some other naughty things I 'might' have done and smacked my arse, he actually slapped it as he walked by and said 'you know what that is for' and disappeared. The thing is I don't know exactly which thing it is for and if the truth be told I kind of liked the after sting but now when I look at Raguel I get all hot and flustered you know like when you are crushing on a teacher or a priest which is totally weird. So hurry up and heal so you can get in trouble and make me look angelic again... pardon the pun guys," she said making my father laugh. "By the way I have a massive crush on your dad too. Seriously I am on heat! He is so hot right now and if he weren't your dad we could talk dirty about him."

I was smiling inside listening to her and my mother telling her to not even think about fantasising over him or she would smite her.

"You are helping," Luang said. "The amusement is easing the pain. She is fitting better."

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