Chapter 23

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*your pov*

"Will you kiss me whenever I want?" You mumbled under your breath, praying he didn't hear you. 'Why the hell did I say that?' Then the cart began to move and the screaming kicked in. You yourself screamed when the cart approached the loop.

~~after the ride~~

"That was so fun! Ah let's do another one!" You smiled and laughed, and pulled his hand closer to you. "Alright, don't you wanna take a break?" "What? We just got here!" He sighed, "There are other rides, not just big roller coasters. How about the Ferris wheel?"
"Oh, ok! That sounds fun also!" You smiled at him and he led the way the Ferris wheel. "So, do you like holding my hand?" He smirked. "Well yah! If I didn't I wouldn't. Plus, I feel safe when I have your hand in mine." "Also, I won't lose you if I have hold of you." "Hey! I wouldn't get lost!" He laughed, "Just teasing." 'Mhm! Don't do that!'

~~boarding the Ferris wheel~~

*Rap Mon pov*

"Thank you sir." I let Y/N in first then sat next to her. "This is fun." "Yah! It really is." She held my hand even tighter. "Also, the sun is starting to go down. So it'll be even prettier up here." She laid her head on my shoulder as the ride began to move.
"I was so happy when you asked me on a date. I never thought I'd get the chance to be alone with you...." Her cheeks turned red, and she looked out at the sky. "The sky is really pretty y'know." She continued to look out at the sky, I just looked at her.

"The sky is pretty, but it still doesn't compare to you." Her cheeks flushed red, and she smiled. "I think the sky looks better than me." "Well I don't, nothing compares to how beautiful you are." She snuggled even closer to me, her cheeks still crimson.

"So, to answer that question from earlier." She looked up at me, her eyes filled with confusion. "Yes, yes I would. But not just whenever you wanted me to, whenever I wanted to." Her eyes grew with shock and her cheeks turned even more red with embarrassment.
     She looked away from me, "Wh-what are you talking about?"

*third person pov*

        He smiled and gently brought her eyes back to his. Her cheeks were burning red and she couldn't look him in the eyes. He slowly raised her head, and brought his closer to her.
      He stopped, his lips hovering just above hers. "Whenever... I want to." He gently pressed his lips to hers, and held her as close as he could to himself.


    And..... Cliff hanger! Sorry lovelies!! Gotta have some good cliff hangers now and then!

"But you take almost a week to update!"

Aye! I know! I'm horrible!😭  But I promise it's worth it!! Trust your KotABear!!!❤️❤️

  Anyways, thank you all! I hope you all enjoy! Leave some feedback if yah want! And like the story, or whatever if you want!! Mwah!!!

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