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{Around four or so years later. Who's counting?}

*Rap Mon's pov*

"Everyone be calm! Ok? Stay out here! She doesn't need no one else but me in there ok?" They all nodded, and stayed in the hall. It's finally the day. Our little girl is coming to meet us.

*third person pov*

Doctors and nurses were rushing in and out of the delivery room. Everyone was so nervous. Jin sat with his girlfriend/boyfriend, your best friend, f/n. Hobi and Jimin sat with their little girl in arms, waiting with smiles. Kookie and V sat next to each other, trying not to look at each other.
      After hours of sitting and waiting, Nam-Joon comes out the doors. He pulls his mask down, and smiles. "She's eight pounds and 4 ounces! She's beautiful! Yet said you all can come in once we move rooms!"

*Rap Mon's pov*

       We finally moved rooms and got settled in. Everyone was waiting to see her, our little girl. "So what'd you finally decide to name her?" Y/N smiled, "We both decided on {insert babies full name here}!" Hobi jumped up, "It's beautiful! Oh I can't wait until her and Rose are older! They're gonna be best friends!"
    Everyone laughed our excited Hobi, who took a seat next to Jimin. "Tae? Come over here...." Y/N had asked me a very important question before having {babies name}, and I agreed. "I've gotta ask you something." I stood from my spot on the bed, and he sat next to her. "What is it, Y/N?" She smiled, "Will you.... Will you be her godfather?"
      His eyes began to water up, and tears streamed down his face. He looked Y/N in the eyes, then looked at {babies name} and smiled. "Yes... Oh my god yes! I would love to be her godfather!" Y/N handed V {babies name}, and e smiled. He placed his tear stained cheek next to hers. "I love you so much, {babies name}. I'll always be here for you."

      It took forever to get her away from V, but Jin managed. Everyone was wanting to hold her at once. It was the best day of our life, and our wedding day the second now. After everyone left, it was just Y/N and me. She held little {baby name} close. She was crying and smiling, she didn't care about the pain anymore.
     "She's so beautiful. How did I create something so beautiful?" She wasn't talking to me directly, but I answered. "Because you're beautiful. She looks just like her mother, who is the most beautiful women I know." I sat next to her on the hospital bed, and she looked up at me. "How did I get here? How did I get here to this day?"
     Her eyes were filled with tears, and I placed a kiss on her head. "You got here, because you're love pushed you here. And I found you that day on the plane. And when I laid eyes on you, I fell hard. I fell so in love with you, even if it took V's devil charms to get me to admit it. And one day, we'll tell this story to {baby name}. We'll tell this story to everyone."
     She cried now, {baby name} in arms, pressed against my chest. "I love you so much Kim Nam-Joon. I'm glad you sat next to me on that faithful day. I'm glad V was so evil in his ways, I'm glad. I'm so happy, I never thought I could be this happy. Thank you." It was now my turn to cry, and I did.
     "I'm glad I sat next to you on that airplane to LA. I'm glad my insecurities were overcome because of V's trickery. I'm so happy to be with you, to call you mine!"

                  "I love you, Y/N!"

       The End


       Well this is the end! I hope you all enjoyed, and was happy with this experience. If you like it, leave a comment and/or favorite. If you want. And I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. I know it's nothing much, but it's a big accomplishment for me. This is the first book I've finished, and that I've fallen in love with. It means a lot to me to those who read it. If you wanna recommend it to a friend, please do. Because you have idea how special this is to me!! Thank you all for reading!

       The End

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