Chapter Four: Amarican Drinking!

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  I couldn't find any song to fit the chapter so have this kid singing about his gay friend.

Maybe I do care a little more than I say..

I was having a nice and peaceful slumber, and was more comfortable than I've ever been. In a beautiful sleep all was warm and perfect- UNTIL SOMEONE FUCKING SLAPPED ME!

I jot up, being suddenly thrown off the bed. "WHAT THE FUCK!" I yelled not sure where I was. "Tord, you have FUCK load of explaining to do!" Tom yelled from on top the bed, looking furious. My head spun for a few seconds, but when I connected to reality I looked Tom strait in the void as an evil smile grew on my face. "With pleasure!" I said.

I stood up and grabbed my phone from inside my pocket. I scrolled in the camera and found the picture I took the previous night, and pushed it right into Tom's face. "This is what happened when you got drunk. You got so upset I was taking away your beer that you literally wrapped yourself around my leg." I said. Tom looked confused at a coat of pink grew on his checks. "And I had to drag you over here and shove you onto the bed. You had a nightmare so I came to check on you!" I said even happier that Tom looked suicidal.

"You hugged me and feel asleep. I was on my way to the couch, when you pulled me to stay, and spooned me." I said with a ridiculous grin. Tom's face was only dark red at this point, and looked enraged and embarrassed at the same time. "Ha, think about that next time you call me 'gay boy' Tom." I finished, sending him to a completely ruined state of mind. He leaned back, grabbed a pillow, stuffed it over his face, and screamed to the top of his lungs for five minutes strait, with I can swear no breath breaks. When he was done, he's arms fell limb from either side of his head. I crouched on the bed and removed the pillow. "Feel better?" I asked. "Actually yes." Tom replied smiling, then returned to his frown.

I laughed from his perfect reaction. Revenge was a dish best served cold. Tom got up eventually faced me. "So, what was Edd's surprise?" He asked trying to forget what just happened. I let it slide. "We're going to New York, in America." I said with no enthusiasm. Tom turned pale. "A-America?!" He stuttered. "Yeah, New York is the best though," I started trailing off. "It's not like Florida. I lived their for a mission once, and driving was an utter hell-" I snapped out when Tom bolted out the door.

I walked toward the main room to see him grabbing a full bottle of beer. "Tom chill, can you not go one da-" I was cut off by Tom leaning his head back and gulping the entire bottle in two seconds. "HOLY SHIT!" I yelled. "Guh, it's not enough." Tom wined. He opened the fridge and pulled out a gallon of beer. "HOLY, Tom, how much beer do you have?!" I asked. "Matt and Edd get all the food, so I can spend all my money on beer." He replied, as he proceeded to start gulping the gallon. When he let it down the container, it was half empty.

  "Tom, this for a plane ride? Your getting out of hand!" I yelled. The Brit's eyes widened as he turned to be. "Don't use thet worrrrd with meh Tord!" Tom slurred. He's head was spinning, which proved he was already half drunk.

  "That's enough, I'll get packing. You rest on the sofa." I ordered pulling Tom to his couch. I laid him down, as he wined but again went on. His head was resting on the upper part of the side, and his feet went over the other side. I laughed a little to myself.

  I grabbed a suitcase from his closet, which was of course checkered. I took tons of clothes, and almost fit his entire closet. I couldn't help but giggle at his boxers, and the extremely small size.

  The rest of the packing was a blur of boredom, but at some point I got worried about the drunk, so I went to check on him again. He was still laying down, but he was tossing and turning while muttering some random stuff. I was afraid to wake him, but I was a little worried he was having another nightmare. That's when an idea popped into my head.

  I walked past the couch and head out the door, and into the elevator. I pressed the first floor and waited for the slow ride to go. While I was waiting, I checked my phone to see any notifications. I had a text, and opened it up. It was from Pau, which turned my face white.

'Pat and I got out, thanks for the help'

  I was shaken by it. My plan was to break them out, but now I was a little desperate to leave them behind and stay with Tom.

'Sorry, I was distracted.' I replied. I wanted to say something else.

'Can we wait a bit to start working again, I'm busy.'

'OHH, is it about that gay bo-'

'I'm sorry that was Pat.'

'Tord is gay for Tom, I knew it!'

'I will try to handle Pat, but he's sneaky. Also I love him and- OK BYE!'

I was confused about who was texting who, but I just laughed it off. How did they know it was about Tom? Speaking of which, the elevator rung, and I got out.

This chapter was trash.

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