Chapter Nine: The Fall

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Well there goes my virgin thoughts

I was awakened my the tapping on my shoulder from a sleepy eyed Edd. "Wake Tom up, we're getting down." Edd told me. I somewhat pushed Tom's arm. "Wake up stupid, we're leaving." I commanded as we got up. Tom confusingly looked at my hoodie, but grabbed it anyway. "Why did I have your hoodie again?" He asked. "It's the only way you'll sleep." I answered as we slid through he isle.

We got out of the plane and walked through the tunnel thing. "Tom go down and get the luggage as we change into coats." Edd said. "Aw why me?" He groaned. "Tord, go with him." Edd commanded like he was our dad. "Hey, I just got out of Miami on a trip, I should be the coldest one!" I shouted.

"You don't have a choice, look at your wrists." Edd told us. We stepped into the lobby and Tom and I looked at our wrists to see a band. "Wait, I know what this is." Tom growled. "Yup, a distance shocker!" Edd chirped. "Shocker?!" I said choking on air. "It'l make beeping sounds if your more than fifteen feet apart. If it's been more than a minute, I'll shock Tord." Edd said.

"Why me?!" I yelled. "Because it could only be one of you, and I trust you'd be more willing to stay with him." Edd said. "Uhg, guys can we go? It's midnight, I wanna get back to the hotel!" Matt wined. In a flash Edd and Matt were gone, and I was left alone with Tom. I got the fear that he would walk far just to shock me, so I stayed quiet to not tempt him.

We walked in silence down the escalator to the luggage wheel thing. I wish I could've put my hands in my pockets but I was only wearing my gray shirt, making it easier to see my hand in my RIGHT arm.( Happy you picky ass reader?) I took a deep breath reminding myself that I already cried it out, and I had no right to ask Tom for reassurance again, or to be upset in general.

We arrived. "How many bags is it?" Tom asked. "Five for Matt, two for Edd, two for you, and one for me." I answered. "Five for Matt?!" Tom asked. "I heard four of them are just for pictures." I said, beginning to walk ahead. Tom followed shortly after.

Two green bags pulled up, and they looked pretty light so I took them. Then Tom's came up so he grabbed them. "Which ones are Matt's?" He asked. "You'll know them when you see it." I responded. Like I expected, five big bags built like a castle came up, with big glamorized signs saying "I 'heart' M@". "There they are." I said as I went to pick them up.

"Hey don't get all of them, they're huge!" Tom exclaimed. "It's fine." I said. I was weaker than Tom but I figured if I was nice the trip wouldn't end in hell like how I predicted. Edd's luggage had straps so I put them over my shoulder. I then staked Matt's bags on top of each other, and I practically was hugging the one on the bottom with all my strength.

"Tord, you can't carry that." Tom said to me. "Yes I..can!" I said with a groan. "No. If you don't give at least three to me I'll grab them all myself." Tom said. "It's fine, really! Just get mine and put it on the top." I ordered. "Tord, seriously!" Tom scolded.

"Don't worry it's nothing." I told him. Then I saw from the corner of my eye a small red bag appear from the machine. "Literally." I said with a dreaded tone. Tom picked it up with ease. "Tord, you didn't pack anything!" Tom said. " I had nothing to pack!" I chuckled.

Tom looked at me with a concerned look. I awkwardly just hid behind Matt's bags. "Now let's to meet up with the others and change into our coats. I think it's snowing early this year." I said as we walked to the escalator. "Let's take the elevator, it's dangerous to hold all those bags while riding up." Tom warned.

(Fun fact, I took a break to dance to "We Know". Now I'm hyperventilating because I'm on the "The Reynolds Pamphlet" and it's almost time for the Stay Alive reprise")

"I'll be fine!" I groaned. My legs were already giving up on me, and my arms were wobbling. "Tord, you've left me no choice," Tom scolded. Without time for me to process anything I felt a big weight being removed from my hands, and Tom was holding the bags. He proceeded to Grab Edd's as well, or....Edds well. "These are heavy, but you made it look harder. By the way, might want to hurry up, we don't want you to get shocked." Tom warned again. He then started running to the elevator.

I took a few seconds for me to process what just happened. When it sunk in though, I knew Tom was in some shit. "TOOM!" I shouted to the top of my lungs as I ran at the speed of light toward him. I heard beeping so I ran faster, and soon he was close. "TOM HAND THOSE BAGS OVER RIGHT NOW!" I shouted again. I could hear his laughter from where I was standing.

(Fangirls/boi's prepare yourselves)

I ran closer trying to catch up to him. Then, without warning, I tripped. I fucking tripped, laugh all you want. Tom must have saw because in a matter of seconds I saw all the bags drop to the floor and Tom turn around. I closed my eyes unable to watch the chaos I was about to cause.

I felt Tom grab my wrists, but I felt myself keep falling. When I opened my eyes, I saw the worst possible sight. Tom's face was mere inches away from mine, and right behind his head was the white floor. Scattered around us was the luggage. My legs were places on his, but my left was in between his. Our chests were pretty much touching, and he was still holding my wrists, which were on either side of his head.

The both of us locked eyes. Tom blushed a little but my face was pretty much red unable to do anything. It felt like time stopped and my heart was beating out my chest. I got the urge to kiss him but fear of pretty much everything was stopping me. Everything was so perfectly placed, it felt like the universe put us like this for a reason.

Call me cringy, but it felt like destiny. In case you've forgotten I am in love with Tom. And for one moment it almost felt like we were meant to meet. Every fight, every argument, it was all to lead to this. From the moment Edd introduced us the world clicked and decided I would choose to love Tom. And for one second, it felt like...I had a chance to live my life with him.

Time set back as I jumped off. "Oh god oh god why? Tom I- I just- FUCK!" I screamed. I was on my knees clutching my hair. Tom placed his hand on my shoulder and he looked me in my eyes. "Chill, it's no problem." He said with a smirk. "F-fuckboy" I muttered still blushing like a madman. He got up. "So are you gonna help me pick up these bags or what." He asked.

"Oh oh yeeah!" I snapped like an idiot. I've lost all self control at this point. I picked up my bag, and pulled Edd's over my shoulders. Tom picked up the rest, and I frowned. "Why do you carry all the heavy ones?" I whined. "Because I say so." He answered walking ahead. "By the way." He started as he stopped walking. He only turned his head toward me with a smiling face.

"You literally weigh nothing."

Still listening to Hamilton. I screamed "NOOO!" When 'The world was wide enough' started playing. So yeah this chapter was boring so I added some spice. If you screamed, please don't scream. Don't.

Edit: re-reading to change Tom's height, since a certain artist drew him taller and like it better like that. During the fall scene, I cringed sooo hard.

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