Chapter 25: Alas, the Fucking Fourth Bathroom Angst Scene

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Seriously, why does this keep happening. For fucks sake We're all grown men, WHY do we keep getting pms in public bathrooms. This isn't normal or realistic, so why the fuck does it keep happening???

I ran down, tripped twice, bumped into stairs, and nearly broke my neck jumping above a stairwell and skipping all the steps. Matt ended up losing.

We began walking around the city, despite it being the coldest day, Edd was trying to come up with things to do, and I distracted him asking a question.

"Hey, If I'm gay, Tom's bi, Matt's pan, than what are you." Edd turned to me slowly as if his neck were an old and rusty machine and smiled with wide eyes that held agony and no humanity.

"Dead inside."

I laughed so hard I almost got a nose bleed.

After walking a bit, we arrived at a - wait I can't get copy write - a....nova money. Try figuring out what a fuck a nova-money is.

"GUys I want covfefe!"
"Tord, it's coffe."
"We're in America, we say covfefe now."
"You haven't even had your pie!"
"I don't want my pie, I want nova money."
"aren't you anorexic?"

I turned to Edd, whomst offended me.

"Uhhhh no??? Anorexia is when you cannot eat at all, and it's scary. It's a serious disorder that can take years to overcome, I just dislike eating at times."

I winked at the reader to respect disorder, man I'm on a fourth wall breaker ROLL today.

"fine, we'll get you coffee."

We went inside the nova money, and being it was New York, it was PACKED! Teenagers, business men, everyone wanted it.

We stood in line, and I decided I wanted a caramel frap. Tom glared and called me a white girl, and I just stuck out my tongue. He refused to get anything because he's afraid the coffee will make him so hyperactive, but Matt did get an iced coffee. Edd fought a worker saying they needed to have some sort of Soda.

While waiting in line, Tom and I overheard a girl in a fight with a manager.

"Come ON, how was I supposed to know he was lactose intolerant? He shouldn't be having coffee in the first place!"

"You sent a man to a HOSPITAL, and a rich man, we can get sewed!"

"He should've asked for soy!"

"Don't make me fire you Andrea, I KNOW YOU'VE BEEN SNEAKING FURRY SHIT HERE (I'm not sorry, this is revenge for Madison 😂)

I tried not to laugh and practically ate it up, but Tom had a scared and puzzling look on his face. The same one from the Moma, the nightmare, the airplane, and from the balcony when he was searching for me. I put a hand on his shoulder, and stood on my toes to try to comfort him.

"Tom, what is it?"

"Nothing, just..I need to pee, I'll be right back."

Tom pushed his way out the line, leaving me alone with a distracted Edd and Matt.

He needed to pee it was fine.

he usually pees fast,

he wasn't out within a minute as usual.

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