Chapter 20: "Time Square Can't Shine as Bright as You"

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I swear it's true.

Ohhhh it's WHAt you do to meeeeeoooh it's what you doto meeee...

The song does fit but nothing else does

"Ok, guys, we have a problem. I'm planning on getting us tickets for a broadway musical, and we're going tonight."
"The problem is?"
"The actors are all taking a break for the holidays until we leave, tonight's the last one, and there's only four tickets left.


The four of us started running, and it was a struggle. First of, I had to stay close to Tom. Problem, I'm hungry, and he's a strong motherfucker. Second, four foreign guys in a popular American state, probably don't know their away around town. Until a few days ago, I didn't even know where NewYork was. Third, we all kept bumping into people. We noticed all of us going would be a bad idea.

"Not to mention, Tom, Tord, what kind of loving couple are you? You should be holding hands taking in the city! Matt and I will go get the tickets, you love birds, enjoy your trip!" Edd called. Tom and I held hands, and waved "bye bye!!"

The second they left, we looked at each other trying not to laugh, and loosing balance, I placed a hand on my bent leg laughing, as Tom leaned his head back with a hand.

"So, what do we do now?"
"We can....get food?"
"Because there's no food in England."
"I'm trying!"
"Try harder, this is Time Square for fucks sake!"
"Ok ok, don't yell at me. Let's, walk around!"

We walked around. Tall buildings filled every corner. No space left on any sides, the only place to go was up. Signs and giant screens played videos, couples and families in winter clothes sang, weird people picked fights. It was all gorgeous. Tom must've liked it, because I saw something in his eyes, and seeing as he doesn't have any, that's saying a lot.

"Tord, why didn't you tell me America was so pretty?"
"You mean why New York is so pretty, come on, these people have a fucking sag of shit tangerine for president."
"Could be worse, it could be some evil, orange, Canadian."
"Why do you hate Canadians so much? Besides, that's unlikely."
"You never know, he can take your place one day."
"HA, you're weird as hell Tom."
"His name would be vl-"

He laughed. But it was new. It was the kind of laugh that could melt those with ice hearts. His rounded 'eyes' squinted, and his smile bared all teeth. And that's when I realized, he had let me in. A few days ago, neither of us would've dreamed we'd be in New York, alone together, enjoying sights, laughing. We'd reach a point in friendship that would've been impossible.

Though it was only a friendship, it was one I'd take with an wide, broken, accepting heart.

"Hey Tordle, let's go get HotDogs."
"Do not ever call me that again, and why a hotdog?"
"One, because you like eating sausage. Two, I want the full experience."
"Can you go one minute without making a gay joke?"
"Alas, no."
"Ass wipe."

I couldn't say the last word without laughing.

We walked until we found a stand. It looked a lot like the waitress from the day before.

"Hey, what'll it be?"
"Uhh, two hotdogs. Also, do we know you?"
"Oh yeah, you're the two guys that got in a fight yesterday."
"Nice to see you.."
"Francesca, nice."

After Tom's chitchat with Francesca, we got out hotdogs. My stomach roared with hunger, but fear of the food stopped it before it got in my mouth. In ten seconds, which in Tom was already halfway done with his, smiled.

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