십이 12

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Chanyeol's POV 

I drove my car in a high speed, without realizing, heading to Heejung's apartment. With blood still boiling, high temperature-body, I entered the apartment to the elevator. Exactly pushed the button to the 10th floor, that she told me. 

As it had arrived, and the door opened, I went straight to apartment number 1007. I pressed the bell impatiently, tapping my feet while waiting for her to opened the door. 

"Who----Chanyeol?" she lifted her head up, looking at me with her wide eyes. I walked in without her permission and was scolded by her. I went to the kitchen and took a mug, filled it with water. 

"Wha--Woah, Park Chanyeol. How do you dare..." She sighed. I drank while looking at her. After finished my water, I put the mug in the sink, leaned my lower body to it. I folded my arms,"Are you done?" 

She shot a glare at me,"Yes, Doctor Park." She folded her arms too. I walked closer to her, grabbing her waist with my left hand and my right hand to her nape. I leaned in for a kiss quick before she refused. 

I closed my eyes and got ready for any movement of rejection. Strangely, I didn't feel anything but a skin running to me neck. Seemed like she accepted it. I broke the kiss, cupping her face and kissed her the tip of her nose slightly. 

"I'm sorry if I broke through your house like just now. I was so mad just now and I can just think of you so--" 

Before finishing my sentence, she leaned for a kiss again. I could guess that she was tiptoeing because she just kissed me for a second. 

"I'd felt so mad for few days and just now, what you were doing, making me feel so damn good" She whispered, looking down to the ground. Bet she was shy of what she had done just now. 

I grabbed her chin with my thumb and index finger, making eye contact for both of us. I like it. I like what's in her eyes, me. There was only me, myself in her eyes and that was the best sight I'd ever seen.

"Kang Heejung" 


"Let's get married" 

Heejung's POV

I widened my eyes after listening what he said. 

"Wha-what?" I asked. 

"I was being forced to marry someone that I don't love and that makes me want to make you mine quickly. So that they won't bother me anymore." he replied. 

"Yah! What if they hate me and then forced us to divorce or even kill me? No, what if they make me their slave? Hurting my family and----"  

He shut my mouth with his index finger,"Shh, you should stop getting into drama."

"But I love drama" 

"Love me right now" he winked. 

"I have did it" I replied. 

"Oka---wHAT?" his turn to reveal his wide eyes. His ears lifted up like a goblin plus his grinning. 

"I won't repeat twice. It's time for you to go. Thank you for your time" I said and released myself, heading to the door. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me. Having his arms around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder after kissing my neck. 

"Since I'm here and today is our first day,plus I am still mad because of the arrange marriage, let me sleep while hugging you. I love hugging" He said. 

"Ooh, so that's why there are a lot of big rilakkuma doll in your room?" I asked. 

"Thanks for reminding but can you keep it as a secret?" he begged. 

"Should I?" I teased. He tightened the hug and had his lips on my ears. 

"Don't tease me. I can eat you anytime, just be ready" he whispered which had awakened my goosebumps. 

"Wash up before sleep" I said and escaped.   


I laid on my bed with phone in my hands. I had received a bunch of message from Bogum oppa, nothing referred to me but Yena. I felt jealous but I couldn't them, they're precious to me. 

"Heejung-ah, do you have new toothbrush?" Chanyeol asked inside the bathroom. I lazily got up and took a toothbrush from the drawer. I knocked the bathroom door and raised the toothbrush. His head popped out from inside, took the toothbrush and winked before getting back inside. 

"You're probably out of your mind" I mumbled. 

I went back to my and opened my phone. 

"Does she like amusement park?"

"How about zoo?"

"How about hiking?" 

"Can you tell me what her shoe size and clothes size is?"

"Just ask her by yourself" I said and closed my phone back. Banged it on my bed and closed my eyes,"You guys are dating though."

"Who is dating who?" Chanyeol asked, getting out from the bathroom. 

"You brother and my friend" I replied. 

"So you were stressed because of it?" He asked. I nodded and took my phone, putting it in beside the bed. 

Chanyeol had laid on my bed as I turned to him. I kicked him as he did everything without my permission.

"Who told you to get into my bed?" 

"I'm your soon-to-be husband though"

"Who said?"

"You ain't reject me and even think about the future" 

I frowned, "I did?"

"Yes" he said and then sat down. clearing his throat and mimicked me, "Yah! What if they hate me and then forced us to divorce or even kill me?"

"Oh, Ohohooo" I laughed sarcastically, slowly reaching for a pillow and hit him hard. 

"ForGIVe mE!!!" Chanyeol begged and protected his head.

"Keep on teasing me and I won't let you enter my house anymore" I said and kept on beating him. 

He started to swing his hands to prevent me from beating but boy, you won't stop me if it comes into beating. 

I stopped to giggle at his cute action. Well, that was the chance for him to stop me. He grabbed my hand and pushed me down. He grabbed my another hand and breathed hardly. I was tired beating him continuously so how come he couldn't be tired from protecting himself.

"Let's just sleep in peace, won't you? Or do you like the fierce one?" he smirked.

-sleeping gae-

Happy Birthday Park Chanyeol!!🎉🙌

Congratulation for getting old but still cute af. 💞💃
Anybody knows where to read Harry Potter's books for free?

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