Prom Finale

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We rushed to school to see our friends waiting outside. S/N departed inside with her friends as I stood in gaze on how gorgeous my friends looked. JJ wore a blue tux, and her hair in a danisnotonfire hair cut. Dope. Amanda wore a aqua-green short, sparkly dress with her hair in a bun and her bangs swept to the side. Destiny wore a midnight blue and black short dress with her hair in a pretty simple hair due. Sofia wore a classic black tux with a blue gem cape and a under cut. Kuri wore a blue tux with a black cape. I should of got a tux..."You guys look fab-u-lous!" I said hugging them all. "You do to! Where's Max?" Kuri asked. "He had to go buy something, he should be here in a bit." I answered. "Gurl! You better dance tonight! You never do. And stop looking after us! This is your night!" Destiny told me. "No problem, gurlfriend." I said in a white girl voice. We all laughed and went in, strutting our stuff. It was really loud with people dancing and the some of the chaperones flirting with one another. We went and sat at our table, in the back. "Wait, is the math teacher drinking a can of beer?!" I yelled looking at him. He seemed to be drinking something, with his jacket covering the container. "He's the reason teenagers lose their virginity." Sofia said. I nodded. "So wait, do you guys have dates?" I asked them. "Nope. We're gonna party and flirt with everyone." JJ said. "Well, that is how to party. According to media." I said and JJ laughed. "WAIT! Amanda, Adry is just talking with his guy friends! Go ask him to dance!" I said pushing her towards him. She gave me a concerned look. "Don't worry, we got you." Destiny and JJ said patting her shoulders. The three musketeers walked over to them. Yes I just called them that. "What you wanna do now?" I asked Sofia and Kuri. "I'm gonna go help the DJ, that's kinda why I'm here."Kuri said walking over to him. "I'm gonna partay!" Sofia said getting on the dance floor. I sat down watching them do their stuff, I had nothing better to do anyways. Sofia was rocking it, some people even watched her. Sofia did some weird but really cool dance moves. Adry and Amanda are dancing while JJ and Destiny shot glares at him. Kuri was pumping the music. Everyone was having a relatively decent time. The populars, well I'm not gonna say what they're doing. All the hipsters, musicians, and drama kids were busting moves while the nerds just talked to each other. Then someone tapped my shoulder. "Greetings, m'lady." Max said tipping a imaginary fedora in his Butt Knights voice. "Good evening to you mister." I said in a snotty accent taking his hand. God, he was hot. He wore a classic tuxedo, with a red velvet shirt. His hair was normal, there is really nothing to do to it anyways. He then pulled out something from his pocket. A-thing-that-couples-wear-in-prom,-those-flower-thingies. It was a rose accompanied by various other flowers such as daisies and lilacs. Max put the bracelet-thingy on my wrist and he showed his which is on his pocket, the-pocket-on-the-jacket. "Would you like to dance, m'lady?" Max asked again tipping a imaginary fedora, showing me his hand. "Of course good sir!" I said again and took it. Can't Help Falling in Love started playing and we danced. You know the drill, My friends besides Amanda, who was dancing, we're giving me a weird look. I then realized what they were referencing. No. "I'm gonna go get a drink." Max said walking off after the song ended. "You really brought a forty year old guy to a prom?" Andrea asked, following by people saying OOHHHH. "Did you really bring a dingus to prom?" I asked her, a couple of ooohhhs followed. "Oh no you didn't!" Andrea said. "No fighting on prom night!" Kuri yelled. She used the mic since she was the DJ. Andrea rolled her eyes and went back to her date, Adrian. "What the hell was that about?" Max asked, taking a sip of his drink. The drink smelled really strong, probably a new soda or something. After that we all hung out. I think we hit the crazy house party point where Sofia took the mic and JJ and I with her started singing Melanie Martinez. The rest of the night was really fun, or so I thought.

~Time Skip to when Prom Was Relatively Close to Ending brought you by Nightcore~

I walked back to our table, Max went there a while ago and looked really sick. His head was rested on the table and he seemed out of it. "Are you okay?" I asked him, bending down to his level. "I-I'm -g-great!" He said. I checked his cup. Well, frick. It was a bubbling brownish color. But a bit clear. Frick. Damn you math teacher. I walked over to my friends and told them that Max is a bit sick so we're going home. "Are you sure you don't want us to come with? We could help you take care of him." Destiny offered. "No, thanks, it's fine. Besides, it's like 10 already. I don't want your parents getting worried." I said. "Okay, good luck." Destiny said and patted my shoulder. I drove Max and I home. I told him to wait in my room as I go get him some water. "So there's 5 type of drunk people. Please don't let him be sexual." I said to myself while the water from the fridge poured into my cup. I walked upstairs to seem him sitting on my bed, looking at me. He got up and took the water from me, placing it on my vanity. He wrapped his arms around me. We all know what's happening next. "What you doing there Max?" I asked him. He smirked and got closer to me. Max lifted me up and threw me on the bed. He got on his forearms and took off his shirt. Max was about to kiss me when I pushed him off me and ran towards the door, but he grabbed me. He pinned me to the wall. "Don't you want this?" Max asked me. Max was about to lean in for a kiss, less then a inch away from my lips. "Not here and not now!" I yelled pushing him away and ran and locked the door. The door was locked from the inside, but he was way to drunk to figure it out. I laid my back on the door, sliding down it. My head rested on my hands, trying to figure out what to do. Then my parents's bedroom door, opened. "You okay?" My dad asked. "Max is drunk, I have no PJs, and I'm probably gonna have to sleep on the floor." I said. He went back in his room and handed me some blankets and pillows. "Thanks." I said. "Goodnight," He said and shut the door. That's one problem fixed, now PJs. I got the key to my room from my wallet and opened it. I ran super quickly and grabbed my PJs and booked it. I went so fast I didn't see or felt Max at all. Then I went to the bathroom, got changed, and went to sleep on the cold, hard ground. 

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