They're Cannon

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"I have no idea what she's talking about." S/N said. "If you didn't have a crush on Ross and didn't tell me then why would I ask you to come here when you told me you don't have a crush on him?" I asked. She blushed madly. "Wow, your kinda of a jerk." Max said. "You forgot snitch." I added. He smiled at me and I looked away to hide my blush. "So wanna do what Max and Y/N are doing cause I have no idea what to do in this situation?" Ross asked. S/N nodded and they sat on the couch. "OMG I SHIP IT SO HARD!" I yelled.  "Y/N!" S/N yelled embarrassed. "Wait, I gotta get some stuff!" I yelled and ran into my room, came back and placed my laptop on the coffee table. I then ran into the yard where my friends were taking selfies with the guys and grabbed their hands and yelled at them to follow me. "Say hi." I told them. "Hoi." They all said. "Tell them your names." "Sofia. JJ. Kuri. Destiny. Amanda." Or you can switch them but for this to be easier so I'll just put my irl friends's names. They all said after one after another. "Y/N this is stupid." Sofia said. "NO IT'S NOT!" I told her. She just rolled her eyes. "Tell them what ship is cannon!" "SHIP/N!" They all yelled. "NO NOT THAT ONE!" I said as I pointed to my sister and Ross. "Oh, SHIP/N!" They said. "SHIP/N?" Max asked. "Your ship name with Y/N. Plus the name of her fan fiction, The SHIP/N Fic." JJ said. "You wrote a book about us?!" He asked me. "What Y/N and Max do in The SHIP/N Fic is none of your concern." I told them. They all just gave me weird looks and my sister rolled her eyes. She and my cousin are the only ones who I told or in this case read it to. "What is in The SHIP/N Fic?" Max asked. "Some kinky adorable stuff." My sister told him. "HEY! THAT WAS ONLY TWICE OR THREE TIMES I FORGET!" I yelled. "You mean that part where you and Max get-" Bella started. "SHUT UP!" I yelled. She raised her arms in defense and said "Okay.." "And no it's not make love stuff. They do that like 20 times so far..." I said. "WHAT." He yelled. "NOTHING!" I squeaked. The Maby Fic is a true thing BTW. And my sister and cousin are the only one who know about it but their not that updated. Yes me and Max do it. What do you suspect? I need some fun... And hope. *Sniffles* Okay back to the story! "WAIT! That reminds me!" I said. I turned on my laptop not in that way and signed into Wattpad. I pulled up the fan fic, The Rella Chronicles. It's by this cool author who I'm friends with and her name is Gaby and she wrote it about her sister, Bella X Ross which she had a crush on. She's over it, which means my sister can have him! Not actually over but just saying that cause story. Oh god am I breaking the fourth wall? Yes Gaby. SHUT UP MAX I'M NOT BREAKING IT! I'M USING A SLEDGE HAMMER! No, your using a wrecking ball. With Miley Cyrus on it. Well your not wrong Max.....

Before I continue to crack these shambles that is the wall I'm gonna end it here because that gives me a good excuse. I don't really like this fan fic to be honest. And by that I mean it didn't come out the way I planned. Like my friends that came over, in the original I Skyped them on my computer to come over because they were here. My mind does this a lot in my writing. Even for school! Anyways, if you notice any changes in this book you know why. I'll keep writing though! I think it might be even longer then The Rella Chronicles. MUCH LONGER. And please check it out if you haven't because it's my first book and I'd appreciate it. GABY HURRY UP! Wait Max, Let me wrap this up! FINE. So before I sound like a commercial guy, I'm gonna end it here. Sayonara and remember, that Maby is cannon!


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