Chapter 29 - Falls

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Olivia's hand moved across her Liaiser's screen quickly, tapping the letters as accurately as she could manage.

[Jaspb's dr--] She backspaced. [Jason's droppinf mw--] She backspaced again, biting down on her frustration. [Jason's dropping me off. Dinbt--]

Viri emerged from the shadows of her bag, her ethereal fingers dancing across the screen to correct Olivia's mistakes after they were made. Together, they managed to form a coherent message.

[Jason's dropping me off. Don't tell him too much about the rollerblading comp. He doesn't know I've entered and I don't really want him knowing if I can help it. I doubt he'd let me go.]

Ericka's reply came quickly. [Can do, Liv.]

Relieved, Olivia slipped the Liaiser back into her bag, scratching Viri on the head before replacing her hand back on her lap to watch the city zoom by.

It wasn't long before they reached the large, spacious courtyard, most popular for its use as a rollerblading rink. Conversations buzzed through the warm afternoon air as Jason pulled the Gleamer to a stop and Olivia stepped out of the side car, clutching her bag tight to her side.

Jason flipped the visor of his helmet up but remained straddling Gleamer, seemingly content to watch her.

Olivia wasn't entirely sure what'd changed in him since this morning. The only thing she could think of was that he'd found out about Naomi's demands on the night of the second moon's appearance. Usually it would've bugged her, knowing that he was only showing interest past his professional duties to try and protect her, but in this case, she was willing to make an exception.

"Thanks for the ride, Frostsong," she said, flashing him a smile. "Much easier than blading all the way over here from my house."

"The pleasure was mine," said Jason, inclining his head as much as the helmet would allow. "Is your friend here yet?"

Olivia swallowed down her nerves as she looked around. Ericka wasn't the best at making up stories on the spot. She threw in too many details--details that Olivia knew Jason would eventually pick apart and figure out her lies.

Maybe she should have just told him about the competition and asked for his permission to go, but what if he'd said no? It'd leave her only option to be blatantly defying him. She couldn't miss it. She needed the chance at that money, badly enough that she was risking a seizure for it. She knew it, Ericka knew it. Ariel would never have allowed it. Not in a million years, and Olivia doubted Jason's motivations to keep her secret from reaching her parent's ears.

So she wouldn't tell him. If he found out, it was better to ask forgiveness from him later than permission now.

"Doesn't look like it," said Olivia after feigning a look around. She turned back to Jason. "You don't have to wait around if you have somewhere to be. She won't be long, I'm sure."

"I don't mind waiting with you," said Jason. "I'm quite intrigued as to why your friend would need help with her rollerblading for a competition, if I'm honest. Do you have experience in it?"

Olivia shrugged. "A little. I used to compete a bit before the whole seizure thing started, then my parents kinda cut me off because too much exercise tended to trigger them back then."

"Ah, I see," said Jason. He paused. "It's good of you to help your friend thought you yourself are unable to perform, I think. It's not something I often see."

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