Chapter 82 - A Subtle Shift

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Olivia was dropped home after the auroras by Jason with their usual farewells.

As soon as he was out of sight, she sent a message to her parents telling them she'd either be home late or staying at Ericka's because of this Starsong role change. Then, she left the side alley, took a few minutes to find a quiet place, and transformed.

Banshee headed to the Starlight Hall, her mind focused on one thought: retrieving Ella. She didn't care if she had to spend the next three days and nights sleepless to do it. Before the festival was over, Ella would not be at the mercy of the Serpent.

She would not find another ex-Luminary down in that pit.

Banshee landed in front of the Starlight Hall and tapped her tattoo twice as she walked inside. Two taps came in reply a few moments later, which reminded her to take a breath. She and Cryo would get Ella back, but she needed to stay cool. She needed to listen to him, even if--


Banshee glanced around to find Aurelia approaching her, hands folded. "What?"

A flicker of annoyance passed over Aurelia's face. "I wondered if I could have a moment of your time to discuss something rather important."

Banshee rubbed her temples. "Is it as important as the Serpent holding Ella? Have you perhaps discovered her location? Is someone dying?"

"Well, no, but I--"

"Then it can wait," said Banshee, not giving the High Shadowspeaker another glance before she walked up the steps to the Luminary common room. "Fae? Golem? You around?"

Golem emerged a few moments later. "Welcome back. Twice in one day, a rather rare event, eh?"

"So is an ex-Lumi getting kidnapped," said Banshee. "Has Fae had any luck with her scrying?"

"Not as of yet," said Golem. "Are you and Cryo intending on attempting to find Ella?"

"Yep," said Banshee.

Golem nodded, resting a hand on the back of an armchair. "I must admit, I feel useless to you and Cryo lately. A Luminary is not supposed to play a mere bodyguard, and the burden it puts on the two of you is unfair."

"Not your fault, grandpa," said Banshee with a smirk. "You have to take care of grandma DragonFae and great-grandma Harpy, we get it. It's nothing Cryo and I can't handle. Who needs sleep anyway?"

Golem's laugh was low and rough. "Ah, Banshee. Never change." The stones on his face re-arranged, the shape of his eyes more sorrowful than they'd been before. "I still feel that we're failing you as the elder Luminary pair, however. The majority of the burden should fall to us."

"Hey, you guys have the biggest burden of all," said Banshee.

"Which would be?"

"Dealing with the High Speakers." Banshee's tattoo warmed on her chest as Golem chuckled, and she rested a hand over her sternum. "Cryo will be here soon. He'll give us the brief and then we'll be--"

Almost as soon as it'd warmed, her tattoo froze on her chest: Manifested.

Banshee's gaze lifted towards Kaladrel. "Seems a little early for tonight's Manifested. Usually they're at some ridiculous hour in the morning. I'll see you later, Golem."

"Skypillar be with you, Banshee."

Banshee shifted a little deeper into shadow and at a dead sprint, followed them across the temple grounds, straight towards Kaladrel.

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