Chapter 2

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"Kuroo... Do you think that people will accept me as a King?" Yaku suddenly asked.

It was an early morning, only 6 AM, yet Yaku was wide awake. What he couldn't understand was why Kuroo was awake. Not that it mattered anyway.

"Ofcourse, your Majesty. You are very kind and caring, people will love you" Kuroo answered and sat down next to Yaku.

"Kuroo... Yaku or Morisuke, please... We're friends for God's sake" Yaku pouted, poking Kuroo.

"I.. I can't, I'm sorry. You are a royalty, it's mandatory to call you that" Kuroo frowned slightly.

"Kuroo.. You are my bestfriend, you have been for 9 years, and I'm 19 now!" Yaku chuckled, Kuroo cracked a smile.

"Okay... Yaku"

~meanwhile in the Haiba kingdom~

"Nooo~~.." Lev tried to hide under his pillows in order to avoid the sunlight.

"Lev.. It's time to wake up" Kenma said and shook him again.

Lev wasn't a morning person. He hated mornings more than he hated golden buttons.

"Kenma~! C'mon let me sleep..." Lev whined and felt Kenma practically ripping the sheets off him.

"Your Majesty, you have breakfast with your family, you need to discuss important things, you need to greet new people and merchants. You are a 19 year old man and you have responsibilities" Kenma said in a stricter tone which made Lev wake up instantly.

"Did they fix my clothes?" Lev asked as he crawled out of bed and yawned.

Kenma shoved new clothes into his hands. For once, they matched his appearance.

Everyone in Haiba family, except Lev, loved the color of gold, but Lev was different. He couldn't stand it. Silver, on the other hand, was something else. It matched his hair and eyes.

So after a few minutes of struggling and trying to put everything on correctly, he was ready. Kenma led him to the main dining room, where his family already was.

"Morning Lev!" Alisa greeted her brother and gestured him to sit next to her. Normally he would sit in front of her, but this morning he didn't really care.

"So, Lev, today is an important day" his father said, putting weird stuff on his weird bread. Ugh, royal food. Yuck.

"Ah.. Yeah... I guess" Lev said and grabbed an apple, he wasn't feeling very hungry.

"Remember your manners, be kind and nice, otherwise people will get a wrong impression of you" his mother said.

Today wasn't just a simple day, today Lev and Kenma were supposed to go to the town and meet the people, let the people know who the next King will be, honestly, Lev wasn't up for it.

After about 30 minutes Lev excused himself to his room, he wished he could just lock the door and hide in his room for days, but he knew that it would probably cost him his life.

He jumped onto his bed and sunk into the pillows. His eyes closed slowly.

And an image appeared in his head.

It was the guy he met at the Yaku Kingdom.

Lev had to admit, he was adorable.

"Lev, it's time to go, the horses are ready" he heard Kenma say. He got up and fixed his shirt, walked out of the room and headed downstairs.

The reason why Kenma was going was because he is not only Lev's friend, he's also the one responsible for him.

Lev walked outside and was immediately greeted by maids and knights. He finally reached his baby and by baby I mean his precious horse Aria.

Aria was a present from a distant village, he got her around 5 years ago. She was a beauty.

Lev easily hopped onto Aria and positioned himself comfortably in his saddle. And then he turned to Kenma for laughs. Kenma was so tiny that he needed help to get onto his horse. It was fun to watch.

After everything was ready Lev and Kenma finally left the castle ground, a few  knights followed them for protection.

It took them only a couple of minutes to reach the town, the people stared at Lev with great honor as he waved to them. Communicating with people was fun, getting to know the local culture and traditions was something that Lev has always been passionate about.

He got off his horse and decided to walk by foot, to make himself equal with people around, and he didn't regret it. People offered him gifts, but he insisted on not taking them, he tried local foods, greeted a few beautiful girls and guys.

"Prince Lev! Prince Lev!" a little girl shouted as she held flowers in her hands.

Lev walked to towards to her and smiled at her.

"I don't deserve these flowers, but you do. A beautiful girl like you should keep them" he said and took out a silver flower button he had in his pocket. He placed it into the girls hand.

"See you later" he smiled at her once more and walked away. The people were left stunned and happy.

The next King will be a great man.

~back to the Yaku Kingdom~

Yaku had been creeping around the castle for an hour now, trying to find Kuroo who ran off somewhere.

Even though Yaku grew up in this castle, he managed to find things he never knew even existed here.

He stumbled across a secret room, an entrance to which was behind a painting. It was an old room, it hadn't been opened in years, and yet it was a goldmine.

A lot of old books, scrolls and other stuff were there, Yaku decided to not tell anyone about it and keep it as a secret room for himself.

He also discovered a skeleton in one of the rooms. Was he shook? Yes. Did he touch the skeleton? Yes. Did he accidentally break the skeleton? Maybe, no one knows that.

The castle was like a maze, and Yaku felt relieved when he finally reached the door of the main hall, the door was a bit open so Yaku decided to listen.

"Your Majesty, are you sure it's a good idea?" Kuroo asked, stressed.

"Yes, it has to be done" his father said in a strict tone.

"As you wish" Kuroo bowed, but Yaku could see how stressed he was.

"And so it's decided then. We're leaving tomorrow. We should be able to reach Iwaizumi Kingdom by midday"





Time to get some Iwa action sosjsuhwushwushwuhsus
Also I said I won't update but fuck it.
Also no worries you'll get some LevYaku action in the next chap

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