Chapter 10

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"Your Majesty! Thank gods you are okay! I saw that the merchants arrived" Kuroo greeted Yaku as he walked into the royal grounds.

"Yes, and they had so much to offer!" Yaku said as he jumped a few times from the excitement.

"I'm glad you had fun, and I also hope that Haiba Lev behaved himself." Kuroo said as he led Yaku to the castle.

"We're friends so it's all good! Ah, I'll need to talk with my father.. How is he today?" Yaku turned to Kuroo. He thought for a second before answering.

"He's in a pretty good mood I guess, hopefully he agrees to whatever you are going to ask" Kuroo opened the door for Yaku and they walked into his room.

Yaku instantly took off his shirt before slipping into something more comfortable.

"Y-Your Majesty... That ring.." Kuroo said as he noticed the silver ring on Yaku's hand. It wasn't something one could get here, not to mention it must have cost a fortune.

"Ah this? Lev bought it for me, isn't it absolutely stunning?" Yaku said proudly as he looked at his hand and smiled at how much ring fit him. As if it was made for him!

"It suits you. Now, shall I prepare tea?" Kuroo watched as Yaku nodded and smiled. If Yaku was in a good mood just because he met up with someone - that someone must be really special.

Kuroo walked out of his room and headed towards the kitchen. The maids greeted him and helped him get everything set up. It took Yaku around 10 minutes to come to the kitchen too.

"Your Majesty, I can bring you tea to your room. No need to be here" Kuroo said, but Yaku shook his head.

"I'll drink here, I have to go and see my father anyway" Yaku waited till Kuroo placed the tray with his tea and a piece of pie on the table.

Everybody knew how quiet the prince was once he was enjoying his tea, the only reason for that would be because Yaku would be thinking about something really hard.

That something this time was Lev. Gosh, Yaku loved spending time with that fluffy giant, he was way more clumsy than Yaku had imagined, not to mention you always had to keep an eye on him otherwise he will run off somewhere. But this didn't matter to Yaku. He still liked Lev, he probably liked him even more than he thought he did.

He was shaken out of his teen fantasy by the fact that his cup was empty.

"Kuroo, I'm going to see my father now, in the mean time please prepare a lot of Blue Rose tea from Iwaizumi Kingdom. I'll need it to calm down" Yaku ordered and stood up.

He fixed his waistcoat before opening the massive door and walking in. The Knights and Generals greeted him on his way to his father.

And there he was, sitting in his throne like a mighty king that he is.

"Father, I need to talk with you!" Yaku spoke gaining his father's attention.

"Oh, Morisuke, no need to be so formal. I'm your father afterall. What is it? Also, let's walk around while talking, my back hurts from  sitting" His father turned to him and stood up. He and Yaku  walked out of the hall.

"You used me as an excuse to escape the boring reports from Generals, didn't you?" Yaku asked as he and his father chuckled.

"Yeah, I was tired of listening to the same things. Anyway, what is it?" His father asked.

"Well, recently I've been in contact with Haiba Lev the prince from the Haiba kingdom. And I need your permission for an official meeting and stay here at the Yaku Kingdom. I want to be sure that me and Lev remain good friends in the future" Yaku rambled on, but felt his fathers hand on his shoulder.

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