Chapter 17

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A/N sorry for typos I'm writing this half asleep lmao

"Morisuke..." Iwaizumi couldn't really believe his eyes. He wasn't expecting him at all, after all it was really cold.

"Hajime-sama, please help me..." he said, he was still out of breath.

"Come in, please come in" Hajime invited the freezing boy into the castle. "Maids! Prepare some hot tea!"

"Hajime! What happene-- oh my zeus Morisuke, my precious, what happened?" Tooru rushed into the room.

"He needs help of some sort. Let's treat him first" Hajime said and led him to the hall.

"Thank you..." Yaku spoke, he was trying to hold in his tears, even though he cried most of time whilst riding to the kingdom.

Tooru sat down next to him and wrapped his arm around him, he pulled him closer into his embrace and started warming up his cold body.

The maids came back and placed a big cup of hot tea on the table.

"Drink up and calm down. Then tell us what happened.." Iwaizumi said, there was clear concern in his voice.

After all, Yaku was important to them, they always cared for him.

Yaku took the cup with his shaking hands and gulped it all down.

"Okay... I need your help.. I really need your help" Yaku finally said as he finished his hot drink.

"What happened? Drama with family?" Tooru asked as if he knew, he didn't expect to be right.

"Yeah.. Basically, I met Prince Haiba Lev quite some time ago. We kept meeting up, I even sneaked out, and we... We fell in love. And my mom announced a ball which took place yesterday. Me and Lev confessed to eachotherer and I told my parents, but my mother does not agree with my relationship with Lev. She said that marriage between two princes doesn't bring anything good, and so I need your help, your arguments to prove her wrong.." Yaku explained, he was a little bit out of breath.

"Ah, I know what that means.. Hajime?" Tooru looked at his husband and smiled.

"We'll help. We will. Marriage between Yaku and Haiba families will bring us good too. After all, your kingdoms will be united..." Iwaizumi smiled at Yaku, ressuring him that they will indeed help him with his problem.

"Thank you so much" Yaku thanked them, Tooru pulled him into his embrace once again.

"But first - go and rest. We can't you go anywhere when you're in this state" Hajime said and let the maids lead Yaku to his room.

~Haiba Kingdom~

"Lev, Lev, Lev listen.. He has to" Alisa kept nagging the poor boy who was just trying to sleep.

"Alisa... He's a man. He won't..." Lev said sleepily, yet he knew that Alisa won't let him sleep.

Ever since their parents agreed to Lev's and Yaku's relationship Alisa has been nagging him.

"Alisa, how many times do I have to tell you that Yaku won't wear a dress?" Lev asked as he finally sat up.

"Oh c'mon, you would want to see that wouldn't you? Ugh, I'm just so excited! I wonder how things are going at Yaku's place.." Alisa said as she flooped down beside her brother.

"I hope everything is alright.. He seemed really stressed.." Lev couldn't help but wonder how his beloved one was doing. Was he alright? Did his parents agree?

The suspense was killing him.

"Lev, you know that you have to propose first, right? How are you gonna do that?" Alisa suddenly asked.

"Oh shit.. I haven't thought about that... Damnit, I need to find a perfect ring for him" Lev said as he closed his eyes and tried to imagine how Yaku will react to his proposal.

"Alright tiger, go to sleep now. We'll travel there tomorrow" Alisa said and finally got off his bed. "Sleep well"

Lev nodded and hid under the covers and closed his eyes.

And so the next day came.

Without any knowledge of what's going on Lev travelled to the Yaku kingdom. Of course, he wasn't alone. He came with his parents, because their blessing was needed.

When Kuroo didn't meet that at the door Kenma became a little bit suspicious. Of course, he told his thoughts to the royal family, which made Lev a tiny bit nervous.

They all saw what was going on once they got to the hall. The door were widely open and both Iwaizumi kings were walking in.

Looks like they are right on time.

"Morisuke! What is this ruckus!?" the queen exclaimed as she realized that two royal families had come.

"I brought Iwaizumi Kings just as I said! If I can't prove to you that mine and Lev's relationship is completely fine, they will!" Yaku said, he had no idea that Lev was behind him.

"I brought my parents, just so you know that they are completely fine with me dating Yaku!" Lev finally said and wrapped his arm around Yaku's waist, it shocked him, but he felt more confident.

"Madam, please excuse us for our rudeness, but what exactly bad do you see in their relationship? Marriage between two princes is better that between a prince and a princess, because when it comes to two males, there are no special requirements, no extra money and jewellery, they understand eachother! When it comes to two males ruling on kingdom it is much easier and better. With Yaku's intelligence amd Lev's strength, they can form one of the strongest kingdoms ever! Maybe even stronger than us! So please, tell me what bad do you see in it?" Hajime stepped forward and said, it made most of the people in the hall speechless.

"The heir! That's bad!" the queen tried to protect herself, and yet she had to agree - what he said was true.

"There are a lot of children who lose their families. They can always take them in, it doesn't have to be that of royal blood" Tooru said as he wrapped his arm around Hajime. "They can do the same thing as me and Hajime did"

"Sakura... Listen, I agree with their relationship and so should you!" the king finally spoke.

"....fine" she said quietly and finally accepted their relationship.





Sorry for this boring filler TvT it sucked I know.


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