Chapter 6

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Lev, being a dork that he is, decided to pull an all-nighter. Of course, he could have thought about the consequences in the morning, but he was too busy thinking about Yaku.

His head wouldn't stop spinning, he felt dizzy, but the feeling of holding  Yaku in his hands was just... Indescribable.

And so, the morning came with it's consequences following. Lev was tired and a bit dizzy, so be managed to trip over nothing and fall onto his face once he stepped out of his room.

Next thing that happened was him accidentally calling Kenma "a girl" and getting hit.

And finally during breakfast he managed to fall asleep and fall face first into his plate.

Of course, all of this caused a ruckus in the kingdom as people were afraid that their precious prince might be ill with something, but only Alisa knew what really had happened.

She woke up in a middle of the night and a dim light coming from Lev's room, once she sneaked into it they both talked.


"Lev? You aren't sleeping?" Alisa asked sleepily as she approached Lev.

"No, I don't really wanna" he said, he moved a bit and let Alisa slide into the bed next to him.

"Why is that?" she asked quietly so Kenma wouldn't hear them talking.

"It's just... Yaku Morisuke.. He's so freaking adorable.." Lev was still trying to understand his feelings.

Alisa smiled and told Lev something before walking out of the room.

"Maybe my precious little brother is in love"


Lev woke up in his room quite a few hours later, Kenma was sitting on his bed.

"Are you okay?" he asked once he noticed that Lev's awake.

"Yeah, sorry for making you worry" Lev apologized and sat up.

"It's fine, you should apologize to your parents, they were the most worried" Kenma chuckled.

"I guess I should.. But later.. Can you bring me everything that I need for an official letter?" Lev suddenly asked. Kenma nodded and went out of Lev's room, he was a bit shocked.

Kenma came back with the materials and left them on Lev's table.

He sat down on his chair and picked up his precious feather.

"Right.. Okay, I need to write this" Lev said to himself and started writing, it took quite a long time since he re-wrote the letter at least 6 times, but once he was finished he ran out of his room frantically and shoved the letter into Kenma's hands.

"Take Aria and deliver this to Prince Yaku Morisuke now!" he ordered, for once Kenma nodded and listened to him instead of asking additional questions.

Lev's horse was the fastest in the kingdom so with Lev's permission he took her and stormed out of the kingdom, leaving only the trail of dust behind him.

It was getting dark, but Kenma didn't care. For once Lev was acting like a prince and that's all that mattered.

Kenma cared. He really did. Lev was a precious giant to him, but he didn't know how to show Lev that he cared. Maybe this was the only way he could do so.

With Aria as his horse he reached the gates of Yaku Kingdom in less than an hour.

"Kozume Kenma, Prince Lev's from the Haiba Kingdom assisant, I'm here on an urgent matter!" he stated and watched as the guards opened the gate for him.

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