Chapter 5 ~ Jade Russel

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{Hopefully edited alright}

Dinner was pretty uneventful. I sat at the Ravenclaw table with Lily, talking about school and homework, all the while stealing glances at Newt, who was sitting at the Hufflepuff table. I was really excited to see what Newt was going to show me. I had a feeling it had something to do with magical creatures but I wasn't sure.

"And I was about to snap back at him when --" she waved her hand in front of my face. "Hello? Jade? Are you even listening to me?"

"What--?" I turned my attention to see Lily staring crossly at me. "Sorry. I must have spaced out," I said apologetically.

"What were you even staring at anyways?" She said, looking back over her shoulder in the direction I was staring.

"N-No one," I stuttered. "Anyways what were you saying?" I said, determined to get off this embarrassing topic.

"It doesn't matter anymore. We should probably head up to the dorms now. They let us out early and I want to get some extra sleep." She said, shrugging at my change of topic.

"Okay," I said, getting up with her as everyone in the room started heading out as well. "I think I'm going to take a walk before lights out," I told her, not wanting to raise suspicion.

"Okay have fun," she said, waving as she walked down the corridor, relieving me that she bought my half-truth. Because I was going walking wasn't I? ;)

I headed towards the double doors, Newt already waiting there for me.

"Hey," he said, smiling at me.

"Hello," I barely had time to say before he grabbed my hand and pulled me out towards the forbidden forest. The deeper we got into the forest, the more I gripped to Newt's hand.

"Are you sure you know where you're going?" I asked, a slight fear rising in my voice.

"Yeah don't worry," he said, smiling at me. "We're almost there."

We walked for a few more minutes until Newt stopped in front of some ivy.

"I'm going to have to cover your eyes for this part," he said smiling as he brought his hands over my eyes and lead me through the hanging ivy. After a bit of walking I heard him chuckle slightly before saying, "okay I'm going to uncover your eyes now."

As his hands left, I blinked a couple times to get my eyes adjusted before gaping at the sight. There was a glade with a clear lake in the middle of it and hanging plants and beautiful trees surrounding it. There were wild animals everywhere and it was just a very beautiful sight.

"Newt. I-I'm lost for words," I said, turning to him and smiling.

"I knew you'd like it," he said. "And there's something more. Look, here they come," he pointed behind me.

"Who?" I asked and turned around. I searched a bit and then I saw the bushes twitch on the far side of the lake. Slowly a nose emerged, followed by a head and then the rest of its body stepping out of the bushes, followed by another one, and two babies. They were unicorns. I had only seen unicorns from afar once before but never this many, this close up. The two babies were just starting to shed their shiny gold coats, indicating they were still young, and their horns hadn't even grown in yet.

"What do you think?" Newt whispered in my ear, making me realize that he was still there.

"They're beautiful," I murmured, still entranced by their beauty.

We stood watching them for a while, sitting on a mossy log together. We only started to realize it was getting late was when I shivered and Newt looked at the sky, concerned.

"It's getting late Jade. We should probably start heading back. But we can come here again. I always come here when I want to think," he said wistfully before getting up, grabbing my hand, and leading me back out of the glade and the forbidden forest. We somehow managed to sneak past Filch (again not his time sorry) and we stopped at the fork in the hall between where our dormitories were. We stood and looked at each other for a minute.

"Thank you Newt. For everything," I said, reaching up and giving him a hug.

"You're welcome," he said. "I did it because you and I share the love towards magical creatures, and I never want to let that go."

We talked for a moment more and then we had to split ways. I remember him giving me one last hug before I started walking down the hall towards the Ravenclaw dorms, a skip in my step and a smile on my face.


Hey!! I hope you enjoyed this new chapter! What do you guys think about Jade and Newt's relationship? Leave your thoughts in the comments. Also remember to leave me suggestions for coming chapters or corrections in a previous chapter, I would really appreciate it! Also remember to vote. And thanks so much for over 800 reads! This book is moving up so quickly in terms of reads and such and I thank you so much! ~G

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