Chapter 17

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We all apparated beside a brick wall in some sort of an alleyway. I was still clutching Newt's briefcase tightly in my hand, determined not to lose anything out of it anymore.

"Take a right here," Tina said, stabilizing Jacob as he swayed back and forth unsteadily. We walked around the corner, quickly taking refuge behind an old truck before Tina turned back to face us. "Just a warning, I'm not supposed to bring men on the premises."

"In that case Mr. Kowalski and I can easily go somewhere else--" Newt said, attempting to leave before I reached out and grabbed his arm, pulling him back.

"Oh no you don't," I said.

"Jade's right," Tina said, Newt receiving a smug look from me. "You really need to stay with us. Besides you are the one that got us in this mess in the first place."

Newt sighed but nodded in agreement next to me, signalling to Tina she could continue leading us to her house.

I soon found myself tiptoeing quietly up the stairs of Tina's apartment.

"Is that you, Tina?" A voice called out from the darkness, causing us all to freeze.

"Yes, Mrs. Esposito," she tiredly called back.

"Are you alone?"

"I'm always alone, Mrs. Esposito." Tina sighed. We waited a bit to see if she would come out to confirm Tina's words, but thankfully no one emerged from the shadows. We continued climbing the stairs until we got to Tina's house.

As we walked in, I stared still in awe at everything around us even though I had seen her room multiple times. There was working magic all over the house. I saw Queenie, Tina's sister, standing off in another room and she gave me a soft smile when she saw us enter.

"Teenie, you brought friends over?" She asked, emerging fully from the room, immediately grabbing the attention of Jacob.

"Gentlemen," Tina said, obviously only addressing the guys as I've already met Queenie. "This is my sister Queenie. Why don't you put something on Queen," she said with concerning eyes.

"Oh sure," Queenie responded, not fazed that she wasn't in the most appropriate attire to be in front of guests at the moment.

"So who are they?" She asked, gesturing to Newt and Jacob.

"This is Newt," I responded, deciding to butt in. "And that's Jacob Kowalski," I said, motioning towards Jacob who had sat himself on the cough in a dazed matter. "A no-maj."

"Newt here has committed a 'serious infraction of the National Statute of Secrecy,'" Tina said with a small sigh.

"He's a criminal?" Queenie asked, sounding impressed.

I opened my mouth to defend Newt, but Tina beat me to it. "Mhmm. He lost something and we're helping him find it. Unfortunately this 'thing' he lost has thrown some chaos in the magical community."

Queenie nodded in understanding but her eyes suddenly fell on Jacob, who was sitting on the couch panting and sweating profusely, due to the recent murtlap bite on his neck. She looked at him and I could tell by the look on her face that she was reading his mind.

"Oh honey look at you. Oh he hasn't eaten all day, and, aw that's rough, he didn't get the money he wanted for his bakery. You bake honey? I love to cook." She said with a smile.

This caught Newt's attention and he turned around from his place at the window, asking, "you're a legilimens?"

"Mhmm," Queenie said, nodding her head as she fussed over Jacob. "But I always have trouble with your kind," she said gesturing to Newt and I. "It's the accent I think."

While Queenie got dinner ready, I looked out the window and saw the Billywig fly past the window, reminding me that Newt and I still had a "quest" to complete.

This is going to be a long thing, I thought as I sighed and sat down at the table with Tina and everyone else.


Hey guys! I'm so sorry for not updating in like a month. I got caught up in school and mock trial and I just haven't had much time to write. But I'll try to update more often now...I've gotten more motivation to finish this book. I've definitely got a lot more to cover and I'm looking forward to getting to write more stories once this one is finished. So keep an eye out for those once the end of this story approaches! Anyways remember to vote, comment, and add this story to your reading lists so you won't ever forget this book. Thanks! ~G

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