Chapter 6

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Hey guys:)

I don't really have much to say, but to enjoy<3

Dixie's (P.O.V)

My eyes suddenly snapped opened with my heart racing wildly. I immediately struggled moving my body in all different directions hoping to get my strength once again and sit up. But unfortunately soon regret it with my injured or broken ribs and also got reminded that I couldn’t move anymore.

I let out a sharp breath and closed my eyes hoping to ease the pain.

I opened my eyes after few seconds and saw the thing that I actually never thought I would; peaceful little Rachel sleeping on her mother’s lap, who was actually deep asleep as well.

My vision soon became blurry by watching the little angel sitting here God knows for how long. I sniffed my nose to stop the sob that was about to occur, when Sheila’s eyes opened. She stared at me for few seconds seeming like she didn't know believe I was still alive when suddenly her eyes became wide open and she let out a soft happy laugh.

While laughing, she woke up Rachel and both of them stared at me like they’ve seen the light for the first time. Not being able to control my emotions any further, I opened my arms wide open with all the strength that I could master and invited both of them in my arms.

I was immediately surprised by my actions when I saw my both hands on the air slightly. I didn’t know what to do but to just hold them right up.

Rachel jumped off her mother’s lap and landed on mine softly. She clutched to my shirt with her little hands and laughed happily suddenly cheering up the whole room. Soon enough Sheila joined in and warmed me up with her motherly embrace.

“Dixie, we missed you so much.” Sheila said softly stroking my hair.

“Me too.” I managed to say and soon realized how much I meant each word. Finally being released from that jail and those creeps, it felt like I have finally stepped in heaven.

As we pulled apart, I suddenly realized how grown up Rachel looked. I know that it’s only been one year, but still she looked kind of old.

“How old are you now sweetie?” I asked Rachel feeling kind of stupid for not really knowing how old she was. She gave a bright big smile showing off some missing teeth in her little cute mouth.

“I am eight.” She said proudly earning a soft warm smile from her mother. I couldn’t help but also laugh at her cuteness.

“So how are all of the pack members?” I asked Sheila forcing myself even I didn’t give a shit about how they were feeling.

“Well…..” She paused for a second making me curious. I mean were they not happy for finally getting rid of their ‘unwanted’ daughter and a pack member?

“They act like they are all fine, but it’s pretty obvious how they are feeling after Jenna’s death.” She continued breaking my heart when she mentioned Jenna’s death.

I nodded my head feeling kind of….satisfied after knowing that they were actually suffering. I don’t know what kind of a feeling this was, but it actually felt good to know that people actually in this world suffered other than only me.

“You must be hungry Dixie. I’ll go and make you something quickly okay.” Sheila said as she was already making her way out of the room somehow trying to just skip the conversation about Jenna. Maybe she was feeling guilty because after all she was one of those ruthless people who trashed my best friend all the time, until she saved her daughter and brought some senses to her and husband’s brain.

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