Chapter 10

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Hey wattpaders:D

I decided to upload a longer chapter today and I hope you enjoy it.

Dixie's (P.O.V)

I wasn't really asleep when I heard different people's voices in the room, but didn’t bother to open my eyes and face their filled with pity faces.

The window must have been open in my room because a cool refreshing breeze was fanning my face relaxing my body and muscles. I took a large deep breath and slowly exhaled.

"How long has she been asleep for?" I heard a familiar voice out of the others. My ears suddenly pricked to the voice and a light bulb lightened on my brain telling me that it was no other person's voice but Samuel's.

I snapped open my eyes and looked up to the direction where the voice was coming from and came in face to face with my old dear friend Samuel.

A pure happy smile broke down my face and my heart pumped with joy and comfort finally seeing someone that I have became so close and comfortable with, obviously other than Jenna. I wanted to scream my head of with happiness, but that was highly inappropriate in front of these people.

“Dixie.” He almost yelled with happiness and hugged me even though I was still lying on the bed like an unmoving statue. I didn’t have enough strength and power to hug him tightly and invite in his brotherly scent. So all I did was to let him hug tightly and bring the sensation of comfort that this place had lack back to me.

He waited for me to hug him, but when I didn’t he pulled away and faced me with a hurt and confused face.

“She can’t hug you back Samuel.” Sheila whispered in his ear softly even though I was somehow able to hear her words. He immediately nodded his head and restrained his expression and gave me a sheepily smile.

I let out a chuckle feeling amused by his foolishness and cuteness. I guess everyone knows about my condition in this house now. I looked around the room and suddenly spotted Jason looking sadly at me. I mustard a big cheerful smile as I could to wipe that sad devastated look from his face.

“Jason!” Sheila scolded him and he immediately just like Samuel gave me a sheepish smile. Thank god Sheila was the supportive one here and knew that I hate it when people gave me those kinds of looks. It just made me feel more bad and helpless than I already was.

“So Dixie, what’s up old dude? Long time no see, I missed you.” Samuel said trying to lighten up the situation. I let out a laugh finally knowing that the person who knew how to cheer Jenna and I was here.

“Not so much, how are things with you lover boy?” As the last word slipped out my mouth, I immediately regretted it. I shut my mouth and stared at Samuel not knowing what to do. He just gave me a sad smile and shook his head.

It soon became and awkward moment between us. I shouldn’t have called him the ‘lover boy’, since that was his nickname while Jenna was alive. He looked around the room finding trouble to form words.

I felt a pang of dread when I saw him struggling to get rid of the awkward situation that I just formed.

Suddenly the door made a creaking noise, and someone entered the room.

“Samuel.” I heard a girl’s voice and he immediately turned around. I let out a relived sigh thanking the person that just saved both of us from the horrible situation.

Samuel suddenly walked in a fast pace toward the girl and held her in his arms. What the hell?

“Lil, I told you not walk up to here. You could have called me and I would have picked up and brought you here.” He said softly at her. By now my eyes seemed like it was going to pop out of its socket.

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