Chapter 20

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Dixie's (P.O.V)

Things between Josh and I have been pretty awkward after our last conversation. Whenever I look at him during a pack meeting or an intense conversation, he looks away like my presence doesn’t even exist. Or when someone asks him a question about us, he immediately dodges the question and changes the subject.

To be honest, it’s bothering me way too much than it should. I should be happy knowing that he's finally trying to get rid of me, but it strangely makes me sad and lonely.

“Still thinking about him?” I immediately looked up and shook my head at Samuel. He gave me a sympathetic smile and took my hand.

“You can’t lie to me Dixie. You know I am your only friend who you actually feel comfortable other than Sheila. So talk to me and maybe I can help you with it.” I shrugged my shoulder and started playing with the hem of my oversized t-shirt.

“He’s ignoring me because I acted all stupid and bitchy. Now I am regretting it because I really want to be near him but at the same time I don’t. Well it was partially his fault too for acting in a way that was out of line and then yelling at me.

But I already forgave him for that. Now it’s been more than a week since our fight and he’s still ignoring me. I hate to say this but I actually miss his warmth and hugs….and kisses.” I said suddenly feeling shy. I never thought I would admit that I actually liked his kisses to another living soul, and here I am expressing each word open heartedly.

“Aww, is our little Dixie is in love?” Samuel said as he made weird faces. I laughed nervously and hit him softly on the arm.

“Shut up. It’s not something to joke about, it serious. And for your information, I have been in love with the stupid guy from the beginning.” He laughed nodding his head in understanding. I stretched my hands and tried my long hair revealing my beautiful mark.

“Go and apologize.” He suddenly said with a straight face. I looked at him for a moment when my face turned confused.


“I am serious Dixie. I can see that it’s killing you not being with him. Trust me; it always happen to me when Lilly and I have an argument. But I am always the one that apologizes and makes things right.

So I suggest you to put your pride aside and go make things right with your mate. Being a hard ass sometimes is a big disadvantage for a person” I stared at him for good few minutes until I nodded my head quickly. He was right. I should go and just apologize about my stupid behavior.

Maybe I was finally starting to forget about my pride and stupid ego and be with the one that I was destined with. Maybe I was starting to forgive him for his past and try to make a new life out of it.

Inhaling deeply, I smiled at him. He took hold of my hand and squeezed it lightly. Getting off the bed, I made my way out of the room to his study.

“Good luck.” He called out reassuringly. Chuckling softly, I almost ran with excitement to his room. I was finally putting everything behind and starting a new life with the love of my life. The simple thought of it brought joy in me almost making me squeal in happiness.

Once I reached his study, I stopped behind the door and took deep breaths. I have to admit that I was damn nervous about his response to my upcoming actions. Finally feeling that I was going to be alright, I knocked on the door.

No response.

I knocked again and yet no response. Disappointment washed over me when I realized that he wasn’t home. I slowly made my way down to the kitchen forgetting about Samuel in my room when I thought of getting icy cold water. Every ticking of clock was making me anxious for his arrival.

Broken Souls (Second book of Soul Series) Completed *EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now