Chapter 13 Shelby & Her Imaginary Friend

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"I remember it so fondly when Shelby came home from Angel's Voice Hospital. But now there is a room filled of toys spawned everywhere in the living room, finger painted pictures lay on the fridge door and walls. Her Glo-rite is found on the table along with small bowls full of glo-pegs." Debra says to herself. She is definitely spoiled rotten from the get-go but all firsts normally are. As she thought again to herself, "I have watched over her, bathed, fed, cuddled, loved and cared for her all the while trying to spend as much time with Jackson too." Remembering all the memories as she cleans the room again for millionth time this week and then looking again for her few 'babies' she loves so much.


Debra looks down and sees her toy on the floor next to her schoolhouse, which those two are literally joined at her hip. But today is different, she is not herself, coming down with that cold all of sudden is pretty weird. Debra thought, "I am just glad she got a warm bath and some rub on her chest and now some quietness within the house before Jackson comes home from work."

Debra sits down on the couch to relax for a moment and falls asleep. Debra begins to wipe her face again and again as to something is touching it. She wakes up in a blur, rubs her eyes and sees nothing. She looks up at the clock and jumps up; "Oh my goodness, look at the time, darn it, he will be here soon and I still have to make dinner!" "What is wrong with me?" Debra wonders. She heads upstairs to Shelby's room to find Shelby playing in her crib with her dolls and laughing.

"Oh baby girl, I am so sorry, mommy fell asleep," Debra says to Shelby. She picks her up and brings her downstairs. Debra finishes up putting the roast in her mother's crock pot and into the oven, it goes. Shelby is put in her highchair and pulled to the table.

Debra sits down next to her and blows on her spoon full of chicken soup to make her feel better. Shelby is able to hold her own spoon but Debra does not let her because of the heat off the soup. After she is done feeding Shelby; she cleans her up and the mess and puts her down in front of the television to watch her favorite shows of reruns. She hands her the remote so she can find what she likes and Debra heads back to the kitchen quickly to check on the roast again. Shelby looks off the couch for her glowworm and tries to pick it up with her outstretched hand. Debra sees her and rushes over to pick it up and places it next to her and sits down to watch the "telly" with her. "Shelby, can mommy have the remote?" she asks her. Shelby looks up with her angelic face and says, "Sure, mommy, but can we watch my favorite show?" Debra cannot help but to chuckle at her and nods her head in agreement. The theme of the show comes on and with her glowworm; Shelby bounces it around on her lap. Shelby tries to sing with the television show.

Debra starts to daydream a bit while watching the show with Shelby. As she daydreams, she does not notice Shelby getting down from the couch and wanders over to the chair near the front room window. She looks up and out and sees her daddy.

Shelby hurriedly gets down only reaching the door and as he opens it. Debra snaps back to reality as she hears the door, opening and sees him enter. Jackson comes home with a papered box wrapped with a bow and another gift positioned behind his back. Shelby is so excited to see him and raises her arms as to signal him to pick her up. "Oh, hold on sweetie, I have to see mommy for a moment," says Jackson.

He brings about the item behind his back and hands Debra, a bouquet of flowers. She smelt them and replies excitedly, "Orchids, my favorite, oh thank you, my love." She kisses him ever so gently on his lips. His eyebrows lift as to say to her, 'Va-voom!'

In the background, all that is heard is, "My turn, my turn," Shelby squeals. He turns toward her and says, "Okay, little one, you are next. I hope you like it," as he hands her the wrapped box. Shelby rips the wrapping apart like it is Christmas. She squeals again in delight as she is screams, 'OPEN, OPEN!' Chuckling, Jackson complies with his daughters' whim. She suddenly stops and looks puzzled at her dad. He replies, "What is the matter, Shelby?" She scratches her head and says, "what is it, daddy?"

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