Chapter 23 'HIM'

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Leading up to everything, the atmosphere becomes isolated as Sabrina feels it is all her fault on what happened and becomes ever so disheartened over her father after that fateful day her father goes missing.

"Any word on anything," Sybil asks as they are found sitting on the porch. "No, nothing at all and I am beginning to feel like we will never have our family again," Sabrina answers her back. "All I ever hear is how I am to be blamed for all the trouble I caused before my dad went missing," Sabrina tells Sybil of what Debra tells her. "Every time, I walk into the house now; I get grounded for something I have not even done anything and Shelby seems to love it also." Even my little sister has gone against me because she too does not have her dad either." Sabrina begins to bow her head down, crossing her arms and laying her head on her knees.

Her voice echoes off her knees as she begins to cry again. "What I do not get is why Shelby is enjoying all of this," Sybil asks Sabrina. Looking up with tear stained eyes, Sabrina says, "It is because she is the center of attention and I have no right to her mother now that he is gone." She has become a spoiled rotten, selfish, vindictive little drama-queen that I never thought she could be like that towards me, her sister, but she has and now I have to deal with it. "The worst of it since this all happened is that now; I have to call her Debra and not her mom, mother or any form of the word since I mentioned that "this" Mystic woman is," Sabrina says to Sybil. "Mystic, that is a strange name for someone; who is she?" Sybil questioned her.

Sabrina looks up again to Sybil and says, "If I knew who she was, I would not have mentioned it to my dad, now would I?"

"Geez, I only asked a question, Sabrina, you do not have to take it out on me!" Sybil snapped back at her. "I am sorry Sybil I do not mean to be rude to you; just it has been hard since all this crap has been happening to me. I really do not have anyone else to talk to you about this but you. Will you forgive me?" Sabrina replies to Sybil. "Yeah, I guess," Sybil says. "I am so glad I do not have a little sister or any of these issues with my mother. She can be a bit much but I do not care what she does or says to me much since she leaves me be for the most part." Sybil begins to tell Sabrina.

"How so," Sabrina asks.

Sybil begins to tell her a little about what goes on in her house and Sabrina is astonished on how much "free time" is given to her on a regular basis. "Do you mean to tell me, you get to do whatever you want when she goes out and you do not get into trouble," Sabrina is in awe of what Sybil is telling her. Sabrina becomes a little envious of her. Sybil says, "Heck, I learned how to do everything while my mom did her thing like I really had to learn quickly or I would have never made it out alive, ha, ha!" Sabrina starts to chuckle at what Sybil is saying and says, "Well, I am glad you are still here then!"

"My take on this is that my mom and Debra talk for hours on the phone and go on and on about this, "HIM" also," Sybil says to Sabrina. "Funny, how I cannot get "Mystic" or this "HIM" off my mind; long enough to figure out what to do about it," Sabrina says. "With Uncle Bo still recovering in the hospital and Aunt Judy hearing nothing and worse Debra does not say a word to me either. I do not know how I am going to find out anything until I am older," Sabrina says as she grunts in despair.

Sybil keeps noticing this long black Cadillac that seems to drive past Sabrina's house again for the third time as she tries to comfort her friend once more. "Hey, Sabrina, did you know that car has been around the block a few times while we have been outside on the porch," Sybil asks her. "Yeah, unfortunately, I have, since dad went missing," Sabrina replies. Sybil suggests, "Well then, what is stopping us from following it and finding out where it is going?" Sabrina acts worried, "I do not know." Sybil tries to persuade Sabrina in doing so, "Don't be chicken!"

Sybil hops on her bike and rides off and Sabrina follows after her.

Curious-like they follow the car down the road. It stops as they get off bikes and follow the stranger. Around the corner into some bushes, they hide. Another man accompanies the stranger. Sabrina and Sybil are crouched down into some bushes trying to hear what is spoken between the two figures ahead. They face each other in conversation and see TWO!

The girls' eyes popped wide open and are in shock.

Looking at each other, they ask, "Ok, which one is HIM?"

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