Chapter 21 The Attic & the Argument

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The next morning, Jackson opens the door, and tries to tiptoe into the house. He walks in the living room; he sees Sabrina watching TV and heard clanking into the kitchen. He walks past Sabrina into the kitchen and sees Debra washing dishes. He goes to hug her from behind, Debra pushes his hands away looks at him in a sourpuss way. Jackson looks at his wife, and says, "I am sorry dear; I just had a lot on my mind." Debra speaks harshly to Jackson, "is this going to be the normal?" Jackson looks at Debra and says, "Honestly, at this point I do not really know what is going on with me." He says softly, "I just cannot wrap my head around why Cassie wants to come to our home and start an issue that has nothing to do with us."

Debra puts her hand on his left cheek as she tries to comfort him and says, "Yesterday was her birthday and you could have at least spent some time with her." Jackson holds her hand in his, "unless you have something for me to do today I would like to spend time with Sabrina." Debra looks up at the clock and then back at him and says, "No, I have nothing for you to do today for us. I am going to go pick up our daughter from mama and papa there staying near a park; where I will picking her up later on this evening then we can all spend time together." With a smile on his face, he kisses her and tells her, "good, now I can spend some time with Sabrina up in the attic and show her other surprise." "I am headed out the door and you will have the whole day and the whole house together with Sabrina," says Debra.

Jackson goes to the living room to speak to Sabrina. Jackson asks Sabrina, "Are you ready to kick off our day together?" Sabrina looks up at her dad and excitedly says, "YES!" She quickly turns off the TV and heads right behind Jackson as he walks up the stairs to her room. As they enter, he looks up to her ceiling and points. "Have you ever noticed what this door is for?" Jackson asks his daughter. Sabrina with a puzzled look on her face, "No, I never really look up at the ceiling." Jackson looks surprised and excited at the same time when he tells her, "Well, you are in for a big surprise and this is just for you." Jackson lowers the ladder down to the floor of her room and starts climbing the stairs to the attic. Sabrina peers up where her father went to and it felt a little sketchy. Jackson looks down at his daughter and says, "Come on!"

Against her better judgment, Sabrina climbs the ladder to the attic and finds her father looking in a box already. Sabrina moves over to where the light is dangling from and sees her dad rummaging through a box and then another box and then another box. Sabrina asks him, "What in blazes, are you looking for daddy?" He answers, "Those darn Christmas lights." Inquisitively, Sabrina replies, "Why are you looking for Christmas lights, it is not even December?" "Because I just need them for you," Jackson tells her. "Why?" Sabrina looking puzzled. He looks up, smiling at her, "you will see." "Ah, here they are!" Jackson pulls out the box of Christmas lights and starts to pull them out of the box. Hunched over, he picks up as many bundles as he can and continues across the attic floor to a door.

Jackson asks her, "Hey, can you open this door for me. I would appreciate it, thanks." He steps in the room and she steps one foot into the door frame. Before they go any farther; he asks Sabrina to move her hand against the wall to find the switch.


The switch on the wall lights up a little glow in the room. Jackson looks back at her while holding all the Christmas lights, and replies, "This is what the Christmas lights are for." Sabrina looks densely around the room and it looks almost as big as her room down below. As Jackson starts putting all the Christmas lights together as he connects them, he starts to ask her a few questions about her birthday.

Sabrina starts looking around the room sees a bunch of boxes here and there and something behind it with a blanket covering it. Her father asks her something and she does not really understand what he saying. Jackson stops what he is doing, looks where Sabrina is and asks her the question again. "So how was your birthday, did you get everything that you wanted?"

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