Chapter 20 The Birthday Party

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Not one word is said about yesterday and it felt like Jackson just wanted to forget about it all. Debra is already downstairs in the kitchen when Jackson came down. She was making his favorite breakfast, biscuits and gravy, hickory bacon, and his mud water coffee. As Deborah opens the oven, to get the biscuits out of the oven she turns around and asks Jackson, "how is your morning, dear." Jackson still in his morning stretch, looks to Debra and says, "I slept well."

Jackson sits at the table ready for his breakfast as Debra sits down and places his plate in front of him. The breakfast was silent, you could hear a pin drop.

After breakfast, Debra begins to say, "Since the girls are not back yet from Bo or Judy's home." She asks him, "What do we plan on getting for Sabrina's birthday presents?" Jackson rubbing his stomach says, "I believe we should get her something that she's always wanted and something she might enjoy." Debra says, "What did you have in mind?" Jackson looks at the clock on the wall. "Well, we do not have much time but we can go down to the store and go and get her a bicycle."

Debra begins to suggest as she looks into the window of the store, "a modeled horse."

Jackson smiles and says, "Then we shall get both." Debra smiles at Jackson as they walk out the door. Getting to the door of the car, Jackson looks over to Debra, "So is everyone on the list coming?" Debra answers, "Yes, as far as I know, and No, Cassie is not on it." Jackson confirms, "Good!" The car ride became exciting while their talk was all about the presents.

They walked into the toy store. Jackson saw the very bike that they saw in a commercial. Ironically, it is named little chick, Jackson just chuckled. Debra checked out the seat of the bike, "It seems comfy enough for Sabrina." Jackson asks the service girl, "What time is it?" The time was given to Jackson and he looks at Debra and told her, "We must go quickly it is almost time for the party and guests will be arriving." Just as quickly as they left with the gifts; and they arrived home and began to get everything ready for the party.

Debra starts to bring out the cake, which she thought Sabrina will enjoy which were her favorite tastes, chocolate, and strawberry with chocolate frosting. Debra puts the cake in the center of the table as the doorbell rings. Jackson goes to open the door and finds Bo and Judy each with a gift in their hands. Shelby, on the other hand, is sitting in the rocking chair by the window with her arms crossed. Jackson goes over to his daughter and asks her, "Whatever is the matter my dear, sweet, little one?" Shelby looks up at her father and says, "Why isn't it my birthday?" Jackson looks at her angelic face and tells Shelby as he cups her hands in his, "Today is Sabrina's birthday remember, we had yours two months ago; let's have fun today and enjoy her day as she turns nine." Shelby looks at her father and gives him, a grumpy sigh. Jackson looks towards Bo and Judy as they walk in the door and welcomes them to his home.

The men start to talk in the living room; the doorbell rings and this time Debra answers it.

To her surprise when she opens the door, it is Sybil.

Debra quickly looks outside the door and looks around to see if Cassie is anywhere around the house. Sybil looks up at Debra strangely and says, "She is not here." Sybil looks around the room and asks Debra, "Where is Sabrina?" Debra goes to answer Sybil, when they both hear, Sabrina coming down the steps from upstairs. Sabrina says, "Here I am!

Sabrina comes down the stairs and moves into the living room where everyone else is at. The stream of smiling faces came upon them when they saw what she was wearing for her birthday. Debra and Judy are all smiles; though Jackson is a bit surprised that his little girl looks more like a teenager than a nine-year-old because of what she was wearing. Sabrina's outfit for her birthday is a ruffled blue mini skirt, black shirt, and black leggings. Along with her poufy hair, with a big blue bow in her hair, and clip-on hoop earrings and for the final touch Sabrina added pink glitter gloves. Debra whispered to Judy, "You did so well but I do not think Jackson approves." Judy states to Debra, "She is only nine once."

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