Chapter Nine

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|| 5 weeks later ||

(Dean's POV)


From: Lisa

Hey babe <3 coming to the party tonight? Can't wait to see you ;)

I bit my lip nervously, all this past month it's been a tug of war between hanging out with Cas or Lisa.

If I choose to hang out with Cas, Lisa would get angry and make me feel like a horrible boyfriend and if I choose to hang out with Lisa, Cas would have this sad look in his eyes which makes me want to crawl into a hole and die. It fricking fracking fucking sucks.

I sigh and throw my phone onto Sam's bed, I promised Cas we would hang out tonight but I  probably promised Lisa I would go to her party also. I don't want to hurt her feelings.

"Ugh! Dean stop being grumpy It's making me grumpy!" Called Lucifer from the floor he was laying on. "I can just feel the grumpiness radiating off you. What's wrong with you? Did you boyfriend cancel plans with you or something?"

"How many times do I have to tell you, Cas isn't my boyfriend," I glared at Lucifer, "and that's not why I'm angry. Lisa's having a party I promised I'd go to but I wanted to take Cas to the junkyard tonight."

Lucifer looked at me the way I usually looked at him- like I was insane.

"He said he always wanted to go there," Lucifer scoffed and coughed 'gay'.

"Well dumbass,  why don't you just bring him to the party, parties is where mortals go to and have fun at, right?"

Suddenly it felt like a light bulb went off in my head.

"And I can try to make Cas become friends with Lisa so that they can hang out together. Lucifer thank you! You are a genius!"

Lucifer made a face like he just found a used condom under his shoe.

"No, no, no, that's not what I meant at all you peasant! I meant bring Cas to a party so his gay ass can get laid, preferably by you, not so you can expose him to that awful caterpillar you call a girlfriend."

"Caterpillars aren't so bad," I scoffed, "and why is Cas and Lisa becoming friends such a bad idea? I mean Cas is a lovable guy and obviously Lisa is a lovable girl. Plus I can hang out with them twice as much, it's the opposite of a bad idea."

"Whatever, it's going to end a disaster, believe me. Satan knows all. If I can predict your sexuality I can predict this."

"Well since you've predicted my sexuality wrong for the past seventeen years you will predict this wrong too."

Lucifer raised up one eye-brow. "Wanna bet on it?"

I thought about it for a second, what could go wrong with making deals with the devil? "What do I get if I win?"

"A promise that I won't steal Baby for two months."

"Wait," I growled, "you've stole baby before?"

"Yeah, " Lucifer smiled, "I do it all the time, I am Satan after all. So, wanna bet?"

I thought about this. It sounds like a cheap deal on his part, but it would be paradise to not worry about Baby's safety while I'm in school or sleeping. And Lucifer may be an asshole, the devil, and most likely a thief but he isn't a liar- okay he is but he always keeps his promises!

"Okay, what do you get?"

"Free Access to Baby for two months, whenever I want." I bit my lip, it's a risky deal, but I'm pretty positive that he is going to lose, and free of Lucifer stealing baby for two months would be pretty sweet...

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jan 15, 2018 ⏰

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