Chapter 1

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"Cas." Dean says while squeezing my hand. "If he doesn't get custody we will be on the road all the time, Dad wouldn't probably let us even have a phone conversation with you. It'll be torture, for both of us. I love you Castiel Jimmy Novak and I have only one chance to love you. The plan I have made is the only chance I got. You have to open your eyes and see-

That's the last thing I remember before I woke up. Everything is all still fuzzy. I remember seeing Dean through my eyes, but at points I remember seeing myself through Deans eyes. And I remember seeing through Gabe's eyes, and through everyone else's eyes.

I assume I am in a hospital because of the heart monitor by my side. Either that or who ever kidnapped me was kind enough to let keep track of my heart beat. But that still didn't answer my questions.

How did I get with Dean to here, what am I doing here, where is everyone? Why do I have a cast on my arm? So many questions that needed to be answered.

I looked around the hospital room some more and realized I wasn't alone. Michael was sleeping on one of the couches. I need to get his attention.

"Michael." I say weakly. My voice was dry and gravelly, more gravelly than usual.

My voice does nothing to wake Michael up, he looks worn out. Like he hasn't slept or had a proper meal in weeks.

"Michael." I said again, more louder but barely.

Still sleeping, come on can a guy catch a break.

"Michael." I try to tell but it comes out only a bit louder than the last two attempts.

"Michael you Satan loving asshole!" I throw a pillow at him and he finally open his eyes.

"Oh is it time for me to go again." He mumbles. He picks up his bag and he looks over at me. He drops his bag.

"Oh my god Cassie!" He runs over to me and gives me a tight hug that hurts me. At least I know someone missed me. "Hold on, I'm going to get the doctor's. I'll be back." He runs so fast you'd expect Lucifer to be butt naked at the end of one of those hallways.

A minute later 2 nurses and a doctor rush in.

"Check his vitals." The doctor says but doesn't look directly at the nurses. After they check everything out the doctor looks directly at me.

"Okay." She says. "We are going to ask you a couple of routine questions to make sure your memory is in check." I nod.

"What's your name?"

"Castiel Novak."

"Who is in your family?"

"Gabriel and Michael are my brothers and Becky and Chuck are my mom."

"Okay how old are you?"

"I am 15 years old."

"Good, what is the last thing you remember."

"Me and my boyfriend Dean were talking about him moving away." I see Michael out of the corner of my eye look confuse. Why would he be confuse?

"Okay." The doctor says. "Everything seems to be in check, besides that last one."

"What happened to me?" I asked.

"You got hit by a car on the way to school. That caused severe head damage which caused you to be in a coma for 2 months. It also broke your arm and you need to wear a cast for 2 more weeks. You are lucky to be alive." I nod at her, still trying to process all this.

A Chance I Have to Make Happen (Sequel)(Destiel/Sabriel/Michifer)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu