Chapter 6

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"Then we are all good, see you tomorrow Dean." I sigh a sigh of relief and go to walk away, not turning back this time. What the fuck did I just agree too?

I just agreed to tutor a kid in math, a subject I know barely anything about and to the kid who I ran over with baby who got into a coma because of me. And not to mention he is the little brother of the guy who set my girlfriend on fire and who I want to punch in the face every time I see. Why the fuck did I just agreed to that?

I hate to say it, but I probably agreed only because of my guilt. I ran a kid over with my frigging car, with baby. Who can't feel like a monster after that?

Whatever, maybe Sam can give me notes or something so that I can study Cas.

Speaking of Sam, when I begin walking across the parking lot to my baby I see his ass on top of her hood, how disrespectful.

"Get off," I tell him when I'm in spitting distance. "she doesn't like that." He rolls his eyes but listens anyways and gets in shotgun.

Wait, something feels weird, the air feels a little less gayer, and there is no gay jokes at my expense.

"Hey Sammy?" I ask when I get in the drivers seat, "Where's Lucifer?" Sam shrugs and looks out of his window.

"I don't know." He answers calmly, "And it's Sam, Sammy-

"Is the name of a chubby twelve year old," I finished for him. "I know Sammy, but that isn't the-

"Sam." He fake coughs, I give him a death glare.

"Fuck off. We need to find Lucifer, remember the last time we forgot him at school."

"Hey to be fair, making all the water in the school look like blood was genius and amazing."

"Half the school passed out."

"That was the amazing part of it." I laughed to myself, sometimes I'm pretty certain I'm adopted, especially on the days where Sam laughs at half the school passing out.

"Hey, what happened to your shirt?" I look down and realized my leather jacket is opened, showing a rainbow ink stain on my shirt I got from a familiar problem.

"Oh that." I say bitterly. "Someone decided it would be funny to rig a pen to spray unicorn's vomit all over me."

"Did this happened to be the same someone who set fire to your girlfriend and the same someone of whose brother you ran over?" I give him a look which answers his question.

"Wow, wonder who that could be?" Sam if there is a time to be a sacrastic little shit it's not now.

"That must be so difficult to answer because there has been multiple people I've ran over who coincidentally have a brother who has also set my girlfriend on fire before." I answer back sarcastically.

"Hey you don't know Lisa's past, but I do know yours, and thankfully you don't drive when you are drunk ."

"I don't get drunk," I defended myself, "I'm o-

"So that night when you chugged 12 beers and wouldn't stop singing the sponge bob theme song until I put you to bed, you weren't drunk then?" I stopped into silence trying to think of something to say.

"Well..." I trail off, "I don't remember that happe-

"Because you were drunk!" Sam interrupts me leaving me into silence, a very awkward silence. I see a smug look on Sammy's face that tells me he thinks he won.

A Chance I Have to Make Happen (Sequel)(Destiel/Sabriel/Michifer)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu